Fixed Internally Thurgadin Server Down

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Litlbigman, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. Litlbigman Member

    Do you mind telling us what is going on?
    I don't mind being kept out of the game for an entire day but I certainly can't stand lack of communication in this day and age. Last message in News & Announcements is about your stupid T-shirt sale ....(keep dreaming!), nothing on Twitter or Instagram. Let me guess, no one's awake yet in California? About time you thought of hiring some people in the countries your servers are located in.
    Indigo, Felinitis, Lateana and 3 others like this.
  2. Koshka New Member

    come from work and you can’t spend time in the game. broken again. how tired.
  3. Yvan30 New Member

    Since this morning we have had no news from support regarding this service outage.
    No briefing note, nothing.
    To collect dollars or euros you are very strong and very reactive, regarding the quality of service it gets worse, you do nothing to keep your customers, even less to compensate them following incidents of this type as many software publishers do.
    Maybe this way of acting is strategic!
    I am more and more disappointed with Daybreak, your attitude is unacceptable.
    You really take us for fools !
  4. Marae Well-Known Member

    Only liking this to make sure devs know the server issue is important. It would be nice to hear from someone, though, that the problem with Thurgadin servers is being dealt with. A fellow player posted in the other thread on the login server issues that a "potential" problem was being investigated. Although the player didn't specify the source (Discord, maybe?), I'm assuming that was a quote from a dev and we'll be back up and running eventually. I'm glad someone told someone something, but for those of us who only get our news on the forums, hearing it second hand like that isn't the best.

    Hopefully this will be a good opportunity to address the issues that have been plaguing Thurgadin for a good long while now. Thank you, devs, for all that you do.
  5. Mielchen New Member

    Es ist der helle Wahnsinn!
    Erst verkündet man großspurig das man nur noch 2x im Monat einen Serverdown hinnehmen muss und dann... Man kommt von Arbeit, freut auf etwas Ablenkung und was passiert... Nix!. Server down. Ohne Ankündigung oder einen offiziellen Kommentar. Und ich dachte immer, Deutschland wäre eine Servicewüste. Aber die größere Wüste gibt es wohl in den USA. Aber klar, USA first. Dort dürften wohl auch die Server laufen. Wer weiß schon in den USA wo Europa liegt?! Egal, ich zahle gutes Geld und will dafür die bezahlte Leistung abrufen können. Also, was ist jetzt? Wie lange dauert es noch, warum war der Ausfall? Ich hätte gerne mal Informationen und zwar zackig!
    It's madness!
    First you announce cockily that you only have to accept a serverdown twice a month and then ... You come from work, look forward to some distraction and what happens ... Nothing !. Server down. Without notice or official comment. And I always thought that Germany was a service desert. But the bigger desert is probably in the United States. Sure, USA first. The servers are also likely to run there. Who knows where Europe is in the USA ?! No matter, I pay good money and want to be able to call up the paid service. So what's up now? How long does it take, why was the failure? I would like to have some information at some point!
    Felinitis likes this.
  6. Amber New Member

    Hallo Norrathianer. Wenn das so mit Daybreak weitergeht, dann müssen wir uns alle eine anderes Spiel suchen. Die Server sind wohl schon seit 11.30 Uhr MEZ down, denn seitdem kann ich mich nicht mehr einloggen, landete regelmäßig in der Charakterauswahl bzw. jetzt kommt gleich die Meldung, daß der Server Thurgadin nicht gefunden wurde. Eigentlich sollten wir unser Geld von Daybreak zurück verlangen für die Zeit, in der wir nicht spielen können. Bei SOE hätten wir das auch zurück erhalten.
    Hello Norrathians. If this continues with Daybreak, then we all have to find another game. The servers have probably been down since 11.30 a.m.CET, because since then I have not been able to log in, ended up regularly in the character selection or now comes the message that the server Thurgadin was not found. We should actually be asking Daybreak for our money back for the time we can't play. At SOE we would have gotten that back.
    Mit freundlichem Gruß Amberstars
  7. Yvan30 New Member

    Would it be possible to get some answers please outside the message:
    "Status: 3/2/2020 6:39 PST - We are currently investigating a potential issue with server: Thurgadin"
    Give us a resolution ETA (SLA)
    Argue your problems so that we can be a little more accommodating.

    The wait is too long for your subscribers!
    Read us!
    But above all, please answer!

    Service unavailable for half a day !!!
    French players say: Bravo ! Clap !
  8. Amber New Member

    Warum bestehen die Probleme mit dem Server (Thurgadin) eigentlich nur und wie es aussieht ausschließlich beim europäischen Server? Alle anderen Server laufen. Ich finde das ist eine "Frechheit", dass sie das nicht in den Griff bekommen.
    Felinitis and Mielchen like this.
  9. Naramee Active Member

    wir haben nicht genug geschleimt
    docdante and Mielchen like this.
  10. Seth Well-Known Member

    you know what fellas, come to Kaladim and Enjoy bots taking all your contested bosses.
    Felinitis likes this.
  11. Naramee Active Member

    one of These days I Need to check their Eula to see if they are profiding all the promised. If not do we get a refund?:)
  12. Mielchen New Member

    Träumerle ;)
  13. Melodius Member

    Thurgadin server now down/not playable since 10,5 hours

    Status: 3/2/2020 6:39 PST - We are currently investigating a potential issue with server: Thurgadin
    --> yet "potential"? :confused:
    docdante likes this.
  14. docdante Member

    we didn't pay enough :)
  15. Crazier Member

    Down all day i can log into other servers
  16. Yenk Active Member

    Ich erinnere mich an vor etwa vier Jahren, als mal ähnliches passierte und wir alle als Entschädigung vier Ascension-Exp-Tokens bekamen. Die waren echt nützlich und die Community hat dann tatsächlich stillgehalten.

    Mal sehen, ob es dieses Mal auch was geben wird; wohl nicht. Falls doch, vielleicht einen gelben Infuser. :D
  17. Saladdin Active Member

    The problem seems to be resolved, but the server was unavailable for 11 and a half hours. What are the compensation offers?