Thule's Fearless Stud of Servants (Screen Shaking)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Veta, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Veta Well-Known Member

    Considerably one of the better ears currently in the game. The ear summons a set of swarms that seems to be causing the screen to shake quite a lot during its duration. This does not bother me, but, I seem to be getting a lot of complaints about it; the complaints are referring to headaches and many other issues, while also being told to constantly remove it.

    Please remove the screen shaking effect.
    Jrel likes this.
  2. Doomey Active Member

    please fix this it is beyond awful. motion sickness inducing among other things.
    Rozyn, Jrel and Neiloch like this.
  3. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Yeah its pretty ridiculous, we had two in raid and it was giving me a headache when I have headaches maybe once a year.
  4. Veta Well-Known Member

    Although, I would love an item that specifically screen shakes the raid and triggers 10.0 times per minute OR just make earthquake instant cast and instant reuse and I can just spam shake the screen with that. Either will do.
  5. Canth Active Member

    Can we get this fixed please? I absolutely hate sitting during raid and had to do so tonight because of this effect. I know I'm not the only one it's affecting either.
    Neiloch likes this.
  6. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I dunno how some of you live if the screen shaking gives you this much issue. how do you drive over speedbumps or railroad tracks if shaking causes you to have motion sickness. how would you be able to drive on an unpaved or gravel road.
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  7. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    are the speed bumps every foot? Yeah driving down stairs isnt that bumpy cmon

    Why is there any kind of debate? is the screen shaking so critical to its function? just get rid of it.

    '/r_particle_priority -1' makes it stop but it turns off pretty mcuh all spell effects
  8. Canth Active Member

    I can drive down gravel roads etc and am not affected by motion sickness. We have 2 of them in raid and it's worse the more there are. The shaking effect adds nothing to the game other than problems.
  9. Jrel Well-Known Member

    The particle effect makes people ill because the screen is shaking and their eyes are trying to focus on something in game, while in reality, the body is at rest; thus, the brain is getting conflicting sensory signals. Also, our eyes don't move around rapidly all the time so it is not a normal physical state for the human body. The screen shaking is okay the first time, but when it keeps happening, it makes people dizzy or nauseous or causes headaches. When your whole body is being affected by something, you accept the shaking more easily (like bumpy roads), because all your senses are in agreement, whereas the eyes and the body are not in agreement during the particle effect. Try moving your eyes up and down rapidly for a whole minute. You should experience some mild discomfort; at the very least, your eyes will be out of focus for a few seconds. This is what people that can't stand the effect have to fight through during combat; otherwise, the only thing they can do is try to just stare at their hotkeys, but not if a fight requires moving or positioning.
  10. Dixa Active Member

    yeah its a lot different In game as there tends to be an artificial addition of motion blur that you don't see in real life going over a speed bump.

    you want a real comparison right a bicycle over railroad tracks.
  11. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I've done that. no effect at all. I've been in groups where the screen shakes every few seconds because someone is using Rift, then Earthquake, the rift, then earthquake. I've done whole zones in drunk vision too. nothing. maybe it is an issue for a minority, dunno. I haven't met a single person that has had motion sickness from the screen shaking due to an item or spell effect. heck I've use the screen shake as a method of knowing what's going on. if I see my screen shake, offs are the warlock or conjy just did Rift/Earthquake, and I probably need to be ready for adds, or to snap something off them.
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  12. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Its not motion sickness for me, just a developing of a headache. And its not 'sometimes', we move fast so most of the time during a 3.5 hour period the screen is shaking, this is not an exaggeration and its not like 52% of the time, its like 80%-90% of the time, its ridiculous.
  13. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Not all my friends have motion sickness, but I can name 5 people off the top of my head that have it; not even in game. Have a friend take your screen, and shake it in front of you for 3-5 constant minutes while you're trying to play. Do this 12 times an hour for 3 hours. I'm pretty sure after the 2nd or 3rd time, you'll tell your friend to stop.
  14. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    actually it probably wouldn't bother me. like I said a constant shaking screen, or even a shaking screen while in 'very drunk mode' doesn't impede my ability to play, or give me headaches, or the like. maybe I'm just superhuman or somethign when it comes ot that sorta thing.
  15. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Might not, but you would need a raid full of people casting rift and earthquake nonstop to even compare. Unless you have a group/raid with 3-4 of these earrings going you really have no idea what its like, those spells frequency and drunk vision don't even compare. without an ounce of hyperbole or exaggeration is shakes the screen nearly non-stop during combat, it would be lucky if the screen stopped shaking for more than 3 seconds at a time.
  16. Caith Developer

    We've managed to track down the source of your shakes, so it should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
    Jrel, Doomey, Rozyn and 2 others like this.
  17. Canth Active Member

    Awesome, thanks, Caith
  18. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    Funny, because there's a bunch of people in this thread - including myself - who just said that it effects them. Maybe instead of defending something that has zero effect on you, you could have a bit of empathy for those it bothers. I had to quit playing a conji because of the screen shake, I suffer from migraines and headaches so this is a pretty big deal for people like myself.
  19. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    So some new stuff
    - the particle effects command line no longer works to stop shakes
    - shakes persist out of combat and even when everyone else leaves the zone, zoning myself seems to stop it though
  20. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I'm not defending it. but I'm saying it seems to be a pretty small minority, adn the time it takes to 'fix' it could be time spent doing something else. Arachnaphobia exists too, and effects a lot more people. didn't stop them from putting spider leaper mounts in game, or have spiders as monsters.

    you and a handful of people on this thread claim that this effect bothers you that badly. I'm saying that no one in my guild, or anyone I've met, has any such issue. it seems no one else in your 24 man raid force is as bothered either.

    it's like me saying I'm acrophobic, and the screen view from places like Gnomeland Security or quests that make me crawl up some mountain make new sick to my stomach or the like, so nothing should be in game higher than 3 meters. because I can't play like that.

    that doesn't mean they should change it to accomodate me.

    if these was like a 7 page thread of lots of people complaining about it, and saying it's a major problem, I might be more inclined to say yeah, spend the time to change it. but it's not. it's barely a handful. the time could be spent someplace else.