The Vaults of El’Arad Returns As The Newest Fabled Dungeon!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. RadarX Community Manager

    By: Erin Oakley

    New challenges await in the mysterious Vaults of El’Arad, the newest Fabled dungeon launching January 23rd, 2014!


    Although Erudites are known for their magical talents, not all would use their powers for good. Many years ago, a group of Erudites began to study necromancy in secret, led by the great mage El’Arad. He and his followers, the Quellithulians, were denounced by the other Erudites as heretics, and their activities would eventually lead to a bitter civil war.


    El’Arad specialized in teleportation, and he was responsible for the construction of the Ulterian Spires throughout Norrath. In his experiments, he discovered the Overrealm and made a deal with the dragons: in exchange for destroying the spires, he would become the ruler of Odus once the Awakened rose to power.


    Hungry for power, El’Arad agreed, with one more request: that the dragons build him a base of operations in the Overrealm. The Vaults were completed and populated with El’Arad’s most trusted followers, who continue to carry out his experiments.


    The Vaults are also home to Droag guards, set to keep watch over the Quellithulians. The two very different races exist together with an uneasy peace, but how long will it last?


    Return to the Fabled Vaults of El’Arad and face Korgo the Vaultkeeper for your chance at some epic new loot!
  2. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    ookay...where do I start. lore wise, the 'Quelthulains' were NOT the heritics cast out for studying necromancy. nor was El'Arad one of them that we know of. it would have made El'Arad centuries old before the start of EQ2, since the Hole was created during said civil war. El'Arad was working with Theer when he designed the Ulterean Network, with the express purpose of shoving Odus into Ultera to act as a stepping stone form the Void to Norrath. so it makes no sense why this is saying he was working with the Awakened to destroy the spires. Theer basically promised him rulership of Odus, not the Awakened. the Quelthulians was what the united Paineel heretics ( who worhsiped Cazic thule) and the Erudin erudites (mostly Quellious worshippers along with Prexus) called themselves. hell the Quelthulians helped us BUILD the spires to reach the over realm.

    while I might go with he was working with the Awakened, I doubt it was to 'rule odus'....he already owned it. remember Odus was already in Ultera when we got to the Over realm. while he may have been working on a way back to Norrath though with the idea that he would be under Kera's thumb ruling odus is plausible. (as Kera was on Odus as well at the time)
  3. Montag Well-Known Member

    Rainmare. Two words:

    1) Rain. From "Rain man". A person of unique intelligence, memory and attention to details.

    2) Mare. From "Nightmare" For he is a nightmare to lore devs.
    Bregdania likes this.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    Well said lol, true to. I barely remember KoS but I am so glad someone remembered it.
  5. Thren New Member

    Zone was a little to easy imho. Class hats are pretty nice though.
  6. Narrenbart New Member

    It's January the 24th ... and it's not launched on Valor, why?
  7. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Rainmare!

    As much as I love the devs in this game, it's getting to the point that you guys should be clearing past lore information with the players before posting it. Guk.Lore chat channel. Seriously, poke there, ask for a recap of lore about any point in the game. You will get chapters!

    That said, I like the Vaults. Fairly quick zone, good for a fast run with my friends.

    Question: Are the paintings in the original zone you guys have been trolling us with for years obtainable in the Fabled Dungeon version? Or are they going to eternally taunt us with the ability to examine them, but not take them?
  8. cellinaire Well-Known Member

    Aye, thought it was very weird(and I'm not even a 'norrathian lore expert'). El'Arad and Necromancy? leader of Heretics? No mention of Roehn Theer?
  9. Xendo New Member

    It's old lore brought back period. The New Labs raid zone you still face off against Lord Vyemm and Alzid Prime. who are both dead because they are also in the ethernere in ToV.

    So really isn't the issue with the confusion between the KoS lore and the SF lore.

    If they release a Fabled Deathtoll are we gonna get sick of Fitzpitzle?
  10. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    It's not KoS and SF lore that's getting mixed up. In one paragraph, the author of the article confused El'Arad with Miragul and the Quellithulians with the Heretics. This is pretty foundational stuff.
  11. Seefar Well-Known Member

    Wait... let me get this straight...

    Are we saying that the folks who are now designing content for the land I love don't know the storyline?

    If true, that explains a lot. A BIG lot.
    Avahlynn likes this.