The Prison Server Experiment -- Drunder

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Aug 19, 2015.

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  1. thepowersthatbe Member

  2. Ecugia88 Active Member

    Why? they dont test crap before taking action, they just cater to the cry babies.
  3. AspectX New Member

    As one who just got given a '3 day ban' simply because I had a level 8 character join a guild on Lockjaw (DB fixed it the next day, but still implemented the ban, and forced me to use my sons account (since banned accounts cant even login to the website to put a ticket in) - I see Daybreak abusing this entire concept. They drop someone on this server for whatever reason, and if its a mistake, that person has 0 ability to get it corrected. And before the fanboys jump on, Daybreak has made more of these type of mistakes since it went to DB than I could even begin to list here...

    This whole thing just screams:
    You need to be permanently banned, but we cannot let go of that beloved sub for any reason! I am not the only one who sees this as exactly that, have seen countless discussions both in game and on various forums bashing how Daybreak is implementing this.

    Ultimately, I think its going to cost them way more subs than they think they are saving lol. If an account holder is soo bad that the community simply cant deal with him, perm ban is the only way to go, not some BS excuse to try and hold onto this persons subscription...
    Nooloon likes this.
  4. Nooloon Active Member

    Who watches the watchers when the watchers make is very clear they don't want to be watched? Or questioned. Or criticized.
    Juraiya and Mitten like this.
  5. Nooloon Active Member

    Lest anyone think I am concerned with the rights of criminals, I am not. However I am very concerned that with the concept of innocent until proven guilty. I see absolutely nothing within Daybreaks words that indicates they intend any sort of appeal process, which means this is pure arbitrary justice.

    What I do see, very clearly, is a bald faced attempt to retain subscriptions from players who, if their alleged behavior is so bad, deserve to be banned.
    Juraiya and Mitten like this.
  6. Feldon Well-Known Member

    We're not going to respond to blind quotes. My cousin's ex-boyfriend's niece's brother's friend said...

    Post the actual quote and the name of the person who said it.
  7. Andro Bourne New Member

    Ok sounds great and all but I'm curious... what stops someone from just making a secondary account to play on normal servers if you have already been sent to this new server? People dualbox all day long. It's not going to be hard for those players to simply make a new account or use an old one to get around this.......
  8. Raenius Well-Known Member

    In the end it is all speculation - there were no details given how they are going to judge / move you to Drunder - I think lack of information was intended to do so, because the attention this game has in world-wide media is free publicity.

    And this thread is the reaction of having not enough information, which will likely be given after Daybreak has examined our first reactions upon this topic - the ONLY thing that disappointed me is Holly catering to this strategy.

    She should have demanded to provide us with all details given or none at all.
    But in the end: don`t kill the messenger.
  9. Yajirushi52 New Member

    Well, I read through the ToS, EULA and Rules of Conduct and saw nothing regarding a program that interacts with the memory that EQ2 uses but in no way directly interacts with EQ2 or the transmissions between your computer and the server.

    Also, I'm looking for a response from a DBG affiliate not a fansite manager who admittedly has a good relationship with at least parts of the dev team.
    Phyr likes this.
  10. Phyr Member

    Yeah and Innocent people never get throw in Jail or Given the Death Sentence in Real life either. Only people who Deserve it. No officer or judge in any justice system abuses the system. Right. so this is a game. and it has little to no real bearing on Real life. So no one would think to abuse this system and toss Innocent people in there like Lambs to slaughter. Oh no, will never happen. i'm sure. just like congress has check and balances that keeps laws and such from being made that would harm the citizens. So too will DB have a system in place that will keep the person that is Old school Boxing from being sent there b.c someone got their entire guild to report them as a botter.

    it's not like people in Gen chat don't put people on the spam filter just b.c they don't like the fact that someone thinks the color blue sucks. Or that people who have a different thought of the how the game should be played.

    Yep no Innocent person will have any issue with this. b.c DB is God and has all the Info about everything at all times. and they aren't Stretched thin any at all and will have all the time in the world to research Each and Every Single complaint. Each and every report. Each and Every Appeal.

    Yeah It's a perfect world.
    Juraiya and Nooloon like this.
  11. Phyr Member

    Yeah, I have to agree. sorry Feldon as great as you are. and as much as i love your site. someone from DBG needs to come in here and answer these Questions. and more then just a We are working on the issues. we'll talk with you soon. No they need o Answer all Questions. in depth. about how this is goin to work.
  12. Nooloon Active Member

    This is a ridiculous assertion. A program which directly modifies, or as you so eloquently put it "interacts with" EQII's memory is the most obvious possible violation of the spirit of the EULA. Reading logs that EQII writes is not doing that, so don't even bother wasting your time with such logic.
  13. Strings Well-Known Member

    It would be terribly nice if some DGB spokesperson game down here and answered every single question in detail and in writing, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Thank you Feldon for helping to what degree you are able.
    Awkk, Rhodris and Zukira like this.
  14. Grimjakk New Member

    Well... since they're going to have extra server hardware sitting around, they might as well get some utility out of it... ;)
  15. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Ha ha, more like, without botters, the game comes back to life. Botters are the reason kronos jumped from 2500 plat to about 14-15000 plat this summer. Botters and the gold sellers, that were spamming for a while, too, most likely. Botters can pay that much for krono, cos they sell loot for as much as 150000 plat for one piece of gear.

    Without bottlers, players would have to quest, group, or craft to get gear, which is what the game is all about. If they dont quest or group, what do they even need that high level gear for anyway?

    And if they dont quest or group, where are they getting huge amounts of plat to buy the gear? from gold sellers? I'm guessing that gold selling might be allowed on Drunder, too. Let the botters and their buyers all go over to Drunder, and the buyers can spend their cash to buy plat and buy the gear that they will not be using to quest and group in, all they want. The gold sellers can then buy the plat back from the botters for cash, and sell it to the buyers for more cash so they can buy gear they don't need and didn't earn, etc. Should be a thriving economy. And if Daybreak can get into the gold selling market, they make out all around.

    Also your statements are contradictory. If there are not "enough single account players" to keep the game afloat, then who are all these people, who can't get groups, who need to buy from botters? If the botters were not around to provide an easy, but expensive, fix, maybe more buyers would make the effort to group or quest. Just a thought.
  16. Feldon Well-Known Member

    *knows when he's not wanted* :(

    lol :cool:
  17. thepowersthatbe Member

    Agree 10000%
  18. Flamace Active Member

    Says the troll we all loathe on Freeport, we don't miss you.
  19. Yoshi New Member

    "it will require a maintained membership to access and play" <--- they are getting good at milking the last money out of EQ.
    Maybe it was the russian investors idea, how to make max $ with min effort.
    Mitten and Ajjantis like this.
  20. Nuhvohk Active Member

    pretty sure this has been said already, but why not just permaban them? they're just gonna make a new account anyway, so it's not like DBG will make any money from this
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