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The Official Duck Mount Request thread

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by ttobey, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    Thanks too from my wife Waddy who loves her duckie.


    Feara and Noctew like this.
  2. Boli Active Member

    Now all Ducks need are suitable mount targets to gobble up :p

  3. Foretold Well-Known Member

    The animation and artwork on these ducks are just too sweet. I bought two... *blush*
    Spindle and Kittybock like this.
  4. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Wow, it feels like the day after Christmas here. sigh.... Back to animating dragons.
    Feara likes this.
  5. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    There are any left? Us adventurers go through dragons like undergarments.
    Foretold and Spindle like this.
  6. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    You guys probably missed all the spoilers in the video, and Chris's speech is the beginning of the duckmount thread. (almost)
  7. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, I saw the giraffe reference material* on the side of that one cubicle - sneaky, hiding the next mount in the video like that!

    *edit: sorry wasn't concept art, just reference photo
  8. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Giraffe mount confirmed!

    Feara and ttobey like this.
  9. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I was talking about the green ring on my desk and how after the credits I become the protector of sector 2814.
  10. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Polar Bear Confirmed?

    Finora and Katanallama like this.
  11. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Or perhaps Zebra!

    Something with 4 legs anyway!

  12. EclipseRC New Member

    Oh come on.... Giraffes??? Zebras???
    ttobey would never... It would obviously be after

    Lol... Saw this via How-To-Geek newsletter and thought ttobey could make that happen.
    Dwarves on flying warpigs!!! Yeah
    WPF (When Pigs Fly)
    Kittybock and Katz like this.
  13. Vasco Active Member

  14. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    This may be the greatest thing I have seen this morning!
    Kittybock, Katz and Spindle like this.
  15. Katanallama Well-Known Member


    Sunkist + A&W are my go-to sodas :3
  16. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I just tweeted what you are trying to figure out.
    Katanallama likes this.
  17. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    lmao, funny thing is I said that was a lion like 2 hours ago when Errrorr and I were talking in game xD
  18. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Ferret is cooler, go with Ferret.
    Spindle and Katanallama like this.
  19. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Yea we're gonna over rule you on that one, it's a ferret now.
  20. HaphazardAllure Well-Known Member

    Whatever is next, let it be a leaper mount please! ;P