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The Official Duck Mount Request thread

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by ttobey, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    The Official Duck Mount Request thread.

    Why does Norrath need duck mounts?
    Ducks are majestic creatures, they look awesome, and they have all sorts of variety.
    How would a duck mount work?
    • Well the ground animation would be similar to that of the terrorbirds already in place, and as such wouldn't require a total redesign.
    • The wings would work very similar to the pegasus like mounts, in the fact that they flap, and as such wouldn't require a total redesign.
    • There are many colours of ducks available, like the standard plain white, all the way up to the truly magnificent Mongolian duck.
    (Mongolian Duck)
    But why would I want a duck mount?
    Why wouldnt you! They can be cute and fluffy, or they can be ferocious beasts! (Never seen an angry duck?). They'd look awesome just chilling round your guild hall, or battling Kerafyrm.
    What does SoE gain?
    Well firstly the warm fuzzy feeling inside that you made me happy. That's got to be worth something right?
    Other than that, it would be a hit on the marketplace! Lots of the amazing mounts in past haven't been fliers, so we can't use them day to day. But with this, it would be!
    And because you can't imagine it?
    That is all :D #Duckmount
    Kurisutaru, Ahupu, Regolas and 18 others like this.
  2. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

  3. Eles Well-Known Member

    So are you trying to distract us from the storm about the number of employees who have been let go from Daybreak and the future about the duck mount? Why you are torturing us? can you make a draw with a duck mount please?
    Wolfsbaine likes this.
  4. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    They fly, they walk, they run, they glide, they swim. They are the answer to "Why can't I use my ground mount appearance on my flying mount??" They are awesomeness personified [duckified].

    Kurisutaru, Charlice and Wolfsbaine like this.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

  6. konofo Active Member


  7. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I hear a rather large objection (obstruction?) has been cleared.
    Loredena and Wolfsbaine like this.
  8. Mrsteatime New Member

    Make them pink and give them a little hat and i'll buy 10!
    Charlice and Strings like this.
  9. Yukinoh Active Member

  10. Amfish Active Member

    I for one would be incredibly happy with just a plain duck, as long as it is a colourful bright one, like the Mongolian! nothing special or silly on them.
    Strings and Wolfsbaine like this.
  11. Corydonn Well-Known Member

    You are a beautiful man... I can't believe I shook your hand even...
  12. Katz Well-Known Member

  13. Cube Active Member

    the kangaroo and triceratops are after this right?
  14. Cube Active Member

    the kangaroo and triceratops are after this right?
  15. Taladin New Member

    Please no duck mounts, the rabbits are bad enough.. speaking of rabbits..Make the annoying rodents that are wandering all over the place killable please.
  16. Terrius Well-Known Member

    Ttobey for Duck mount President '15, Vice president Errrorr!

    Release the QUACKEN!
    Seiffil, Kurisutaru, Strings and 2 others like this.
  17. Wolfsbaine Active Member

    Ttobey for President! Sign me up for about 15 of these. My army of toons need something awesome. #DuckMount
    floofloobunny likes this.
  18. Amfish Active Member

    Nah next is either giraffe or Alpaca, honestly, trying to jump the mount queue!! though if you were to make another dinosaur mount, i would happily push to the front to get a T-Rex.
  19. Crychtonn Active Member

    Ttobey you so need to do the idea I PM'd you a while back and make sure to record it so you can share the reaction with everyone. It'd been tons of lol's and you know it ;)
    ttobey likes this.
  20. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I'm not making Errrorr cry!
    Katz likes this.