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The Dreadcutter: The Pirate Kings

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Lempo, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Got the first 2 named down in there tonight, zone wasn't too bad as far as being too small. The fights at least required some thinking and took some trials, these kinds of fights are much more fun that the rest of the tank and spank stuff we have gotten lately.
    The loot also looked decent for the challenge.
    Didn't pull the final named in there so no idea on it at this point.
  2. Taysa Well-Known Member

    How's the lag in that zone, Lempo? I know lots of people have issues with the zone size + the weather effects on top of the encounter sizes in heroics.
  3. Rhita Active Member

    Tbh the lag wasn't all that bad, there was a little but no where near what we've seen in HE.
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    The Pirate Kings is a semi cool encounter. The concept is decent, but the zone geometry destroys any fun that might have been in the fight. It's a classic case of art getting in the way of good encounter design.
  5. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    I didn't really notice any lag. Was fun working on something new/challenging again.
  6. Bolbir Active Member

    I was realy surprised that there where allmost no lag at all.
  7. scousetroub Active Member

    Seems bit like the Ykesh fight. Can't see many reaching the CC check, but seems a good fight tbh deffo not a dps check :p
  8. Lempo Well-Known Member

    The zone was just big enough I guess, if that makes any sense. The mobs were not large, there was a minimal amount of trash which could have been left out. I didn't find the zone geometry to be a problem with anything and had no lag issues myself.

    The CC check is good where it is, the new x2 EM will allow people to farm the gear they need to get the CC, a properly adorned, properly specced raid plus a CC stat flag, if they don't have the CC then they need to run some other zones for gear. Not everyone has to be there but the greater majority of the raid will definately have to.

    These really were 2 good encounters, I didn't notice any problems with the zone geometry intrfering with the fight like slippery said, but I also didn't pull the last named but I'm pretty sure Equilibrium did and I can definately see it coming into play there, from an accidental pull on the 3rd encounter we had.
  9. scousetroub Active Member

    The two encounters before are really easy I mean pug lvl easy - The kings are a basic Ykesh rip on a boat ( well that's my opinion)

    Don't think it's hard and can see where the geometry will come in too play. Panic moments and stairs can be tricky affair :rolleyes:
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    Hm, then we must be missing something lol, though I think people forgetting to joust zizz's AE was killing them more than they know. The mages seemed to be coming in awefully fast though unless as I said, we were missing something. We pulled it last night with an off-night force so waiting to see how a real night goes before I make any judgements.

    Also before saying anything is "PuG level easy" you may wish to check if holding back about 3-5 million dps changes anything. I have yet to see a "standard PuR" pull 3+ Mil. Just a thought, my opinion is reserved for further pulling :D I do like the idea behind Zizz's fight though, adds an element of stress to keep the tanks alive and the named in place.

    Edit: I edited my post to remove potential spoilers, the part left can have multiple meanings... and it may :)
  11. Lempo Well-Known Member

    I hope no one posts spoilers in here. The emotes on that fight provide all the necessary clues.
    Scousetroub acknowledged the CC check for the fight would be hard to meet, I think he meant the fights themselves from an encounter complexity are PUG level easy, they might be a small step up from that but certainly not very far.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    I don't see any PUR having the dps to keep up with the magi adds. We lacked it within guild.
  13. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    I kind of wish you didn't have to run up and down stairs and around corners and **** for Pirate Kings, but, it's a great encounter. It actually requires most of your raid to know how to play their toons, which I've sorely missed. Most fun I've had in awhile (challenge x2 is pretty sweet so far too).

    Magis weren't really bad. I bet you could probably just hold them while you burn the named. But we never got really backed up to see if they did anything like explode.
    Lempo and Twyxx like this.
  14. Estred Well-Known Member

    They just keep spawning and stack up if you don't have the dps. Though Atan is right, no PuR will have the dps for the magi-spawn rate. Fun fight though can't wait to pull it on an actual raid night.
  15. Atan Well-Known Member

    2 Magi's every 15 seconds, would prove tough to hold them long enough to kill the named. My feeling was they had just a tad too much hp, or came just a few seconds too fast for us to deal with them.

    If we didn't have the 3-5s of dead air to get them to activate, we'd probably be fine.
  16. scousetroub Active Member

  17. Karagon Active Member

    Hope Pirate Kings encounter wouldn't get nerfed in any way at least for a few months. So cool to have at least one mob now that require skill, not just dps. Missed it for last 2.5 years.
    Also hope that it's loot would be desirable. Not just +0.5 cb/pot differ from amalgamon loot - but some cool unique procs or mythical drops with some effects on them or smth else like that.
  18. scousetroub Active Member

    Only skill you need is it to be able to run up and down stairs - incoming damage on tank only happens when some one screws up on script.
    Fight again relies on luck ailment after a certain point nothing to do with skill

    And if you know what I am on about how can you say it depends on skill of a player .....
  19. slippery Well-Known Member

    He never has a clue what he is talking about. This encounter had potential to be a cool and great encounter. It's not. Too many things done that you can't really do anything about. All it is is a complete mess of zone geometry and line of sight, making what should have been cool completely awful.
  20. Xelgad Developer

    Glad you're enjoying it! Don't worry, we won't be nerfing this encounter at all. Instead, we'll rely on new gear upgrades (and maybe class improvements like those in GU66) to make it gradually more accessible over time. Can you be one of the 1-3 guilds (by my estimation) to kill it when it is at its absolute hardest (pre-GU66)? Let's see!