Thanks for listening on xp rate-- one more thing!

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by vegasacesvii, May 11, 2022.

  1. Dude Well-Known Member

    That is a fascinating take. If I recall correctly, there was a VERY squeaky wheel that posted repeatedly about wanting a PvP server. Of course, given how well that turned out, you may have given us the perfect example of why the devs shouldn't listen to squeaky wheels.
  2. Siren Well-Known Member

    Yet other exploiters ruined avatars on Kaladim so we couldn't even get them on Tarinax for quite a while-- and no comments about them, huh?
  3. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    You wanted slower experience. You forget how painfully slow levels will be for average/newer eq2 player on TLE. No vitality, location exp/collection exp lowered, Many 'casual' people play solo/small group, most gears has no blue stats at all. The extra 8 weeks will be a boomtime for 39$ vitality/exp bauble packs & PL/gear seller 'services'
    Mizgamer62 and Siren like this.
  4. Ladarion New Member

    And yet, they're keeping the 4 month schedule in place. I'll take it. I used to also think that my time dedication to EQ2 was an important metric, and that because I dedicated more time to the game, I was owed more and my opinion was worth more, much like you currently do. But truthfully, giving people the time and the space to experience the game in the most inclusive way is the most important thing for them to do.
    Siren likes this.
  5. Zenji Well-Known Member

    o_O rather than your suggestion of "xpacs should follow the original release timeline on a TLE." :D

  6. Ladarion New Member

    Shattered Lands to DoF was 10 months - This is a little under half of that.
    DoF to KoS was 5 months - This is almost exactly on track
    KoS to EoF was 9 months - This is about half of that.
    Then RoK and TSO and SF were a year out.

    But the point is, their vision of the TLE is closer to my (and the mostly silent majority of players) who want time to experience the expansion instead of only having a few weeks to try and reach max level before the tryhards ruin the economy and whine for too long on the internet to get game mechanics changed to benefit only them
    Siren likes this.
  7. Beneeto Member

    think of it this way, those tryhards who reach max level early on will find any endgame content that's broken or in need of balancing, report it, and then maybe in 2-3 weeks when it gets patched, you will be experiencing that content for your first time in a much better state than it was when the server first came out.
    adaria likes this.
  8. Ladarion New Member

    No one actually believes this, right? The tryhards will exploit it, manipulate it, and when they're done with it, report it and gatekeep content from everyone else. Endgame content doesn't really exist anymore, since we've all been through this at least 4 times now, not counting alts and progression guilds that existed before TLEs.

    There's tons of calls to make zones and instances harder across the board. They want to make sure that no one but them can access the content. It stops being funny when they actually get zones toughened up so that PUGs and casual players won't get to see them in the current expac.

    What I'm calling for is inclusiveness. The game is almost 20 years old. At some point, Prismatics stop being a symbol of "risk vs reward". They can all just be easier, or at least, not be made to be artificially harder just to keep other players from accessing the content.
  9. Beneeto Member

    can you name one example of this happening, generally the case is "tryhards" are the only ones to get to endgame (raid) content and then tell the devs it needs to be nerfed, because they know average guilds are going to find it unclearable. Or content gets "harder" as a result of weird itemization changes that were made not in response to any calls for balancing (i.e. tank stats being deleted in RoK on Kaladim). EoF avatars had a whole lot of exploiting going on in Kaladim, but there weren't any claims they were too easy either.

    the closest instance of this I can think of was KoS on Stormhold being overtuned and solo mobs oneshotting people, but that was a change everybody agreed was terrible and it was reverted soon afterward.

    I will agree with you though, it is ironic to see people from guilds known to use exploits to bypass encounter mechanics, saying that certain raids are too easy and need to be made harder. But AFAIK the devs rarely ever listen to those people. and I still don't see how any of this is relevant to people asking for faster/slower XP or shorter expacs really
  10. Kindread Active Member

    When their suggestion to a problem is to just stop playing, yeah, I do. Deal with it. =P
  11. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    So like they used to do back before Daybreak.
    Mizgamer62 and Siren like this.
  12. Sixgauge Well-Known Member

    the game has already been beaten on beta before the server even launched, so let's just go with 2 week expansions.