Test Update Notes: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Bunji, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. Bunji Developer

    This update should occur around 10pm PST.

    Harrow's End [Raid]
    Oligar of the Dead's statue should no longer despawn while the encounter is still active.

    The Tame Insect Warder spell is no longer Fabled, and should be able to be scribed by anyone who completes the quest. Shady Swashbuckler has the spell for anyone who might have finished the quest but wasn't able to get the spell.

    Storage containers will now show the minimum level to use an item instead of the item level if there is one specified.
    The following items can now go in the harvesting depot, and now stack to 200:
    Wuoshi's Molted Scale
    Bark of Growth
    The Taskmaster's Gullet
    The Counselor's Head
    The Aggressor's Claws
    The Kettleleader's Preserved Corpse
    Seed of Growth
    The Chamberlain's Flayed Skin
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