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Test Update Notes: Friday January 28, 2022

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Asterix, Jan 30, 2022.

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  1. Asterix Developer

    • Conjuror
      • Corrected an issue with Chilling Winds that caused it to fail to apply the effectiveness modifier.
    • Sorceror
      • Corrected a display bug with Enhance: Ice Flame that caused it to indicate it increased poison spells, instead of Flames of Velious.
    • Necromancer
      • Corrected an issue with Bloodcoil that caused the previous increase to not be applied. Increased the base damage of Bloodcoil from 12.672 to 23.696.
    • Warlock
      • Corrected a display issue with Poison Mastery that caused it to erroneously claim to adjust Flames of Velious instead of poison spells.
      • Corrected an issue with Toxic Assault that caused the previous increase to not be applied. Increased the base damage of Toxic Assault from 49.73 to 63.107.
      • Corrected an issue with Abhorrence that caused the previous increase to not be applied. Increased the base damage of Abhorrence from 7.776 to 17.184.

    • Updated several Destiny of Velious yellow adornments that had a white adornment icon.

    • Test Server Only
      • The bookworm in the Tower of the Moon has been updated with advanced books for Chaos Descending, Blood of Luclin and Reign of Shadows, as well as a few other tinkering and adorning dropped books.
    • Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid]
      • The Hand of Lithania should now properly use the ability "Twisted Squall" instead of "Taelosian Squall" targeting 4 players instead of 6.
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