Tailors Missing DPS Cloak

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Naychan, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. Naychan Member

    There is no dps cloak for tailors on melee cloak we can make has hate gain on it. Please fix.
  2. Naychan Member

    Also I cant reforge anything hand crafted, Dont know if you could not do this before or not but if people are willing to pay for the reforging why not let them.
  3. Sucuri Active Member

    As far as the cloak thing goes I agree... Should be one for every tier as well, casters get 2 options, why do meleers only get 1?


    You can only reforge Legendary and Fabled items (reactant items are flagged as Fabled Mastercrafted, hence they can be reforged).

    You can allways experiment on handcrafted / normal mastercrafted to altar the stats now, even add glows to weapons you could not otherwise!
  4. Naychan Member

    Update: tailors missing satchel as well. I bet they are hiding with the missing melee cloak.
  5. Sucuri Active Member

    Yea I noticed that as well, my bruiser is using a bow, and has no arrows because he has allways used a thown weapon lol

    If you also notice, a lot of Woodworker weapons have no Imbue / Bless procs on the items - It says Imbued / blessed when you make it as such, but the proc itself is no where to be found!
  6. Naychan Member

    Found something else dunno if its intentional. I just made a weapon-smith and she has thrown weapons for level 90-95 same ones as my woodworker. Also I was given a writ to make bristled knuckles but they aren't in my basic recipe books lvl 79 for weapon-smith I double checked and I did buy all the books.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Weaponsmith and Woodworker, before SS, have historically made the same thrown weapons. They left weaponsmiths out in SS, but added them back in recently.