Swashy offhands, non-raid

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor Guest

    So, I have a swash.
    I love my swash.
    My swash's main hand is her mythical.
    The offhand is a Sebilite Croaking Dirk I got off broker.
    My offhand sucks big monkey ***.

    I've attempted as of late to farm for carrottidcutter, since she's still my alt (though a frequently played alt) I don't have access to a lot of raidgear. Carrotid, I've yet to see drop, ever...and being an ROK instance is sometimes a pain to get a consistent group for. So I ask, outside of Greenmist (which I have but can't seem to complete due to no one wanting to go into Outer Seb), what better, slightly more frequent offhands for swashies have you seen from TSO?

    Edit: atm on her I do about 5-6k on the dummy. I've tried a couple crap legendary common drops so far and can't seem to get above that...but haven't tried any offhand over an 85 rating.
  2. ARCHIVED-BaronVonPitviper Guest

    fingerbone rapier from Caverns of the Afflicted is the best offhand weapon i can think of that isn't raid.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kidou Guest

    I know it IS raid, but it's fairly easily accessable... that one dagger from PR with 97 DPS.
    People PUG PR all the time, could be easy to get.
  4. ARCHIVED-Leenee Guest

    Betrayal's Song?

    I used that for a long time. Nice sword.

    Edit - Another good one is Throatripper. This is also raid, but it comes from Korsha and there are a lot of pickup raids there. It drops off one of the earlier, easier named in there.
    Good Luck!
  5. ARCHIVED-Galdiien Guest

    She plays on Venekor, these PR and Korsha pickups...don't happen...but we run PR a lot for money so whatever...
  6. ARCHIVED-Elcarp Guest

    I currently use the Void-Tainted Short Sword of Culling for my off hand, though I'm still working on getting my mythical... It seems to do all right with my epic.
  7. ARCHIVED-Zemizia Guest

    Ohh that Betrayal's Song is nice! I too have been searching for a good off-hand for my alt Swashy. Since she is an alt, I don't have her myth yet, but she uses the fabled Charm's Way with *cough*Anaphylaxis*cough* **ducking!** I have used the Sebilite Croaking Dirk before, may switch back to that for the poison plus. The Carotidcutter seems like it would be decent as well, especially for the +5 double attack chance http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Carotidcutter
  8. ARCHIVED-121 dirtybird Guest

    Easiest one to obtain is the Finger Boneguard Rapier from Cavern of the Aflicted. It is an easy instance and quick. It has a chance to drop off of 2 nameds and is better then Betrayals Song / Segmented Serrator. Now Throatripper does outrank it but again Korsha is not ran very often IMO. So start getting a "Shard" grp together to run Befallen: CoA.
  9. ARCHIVED-KronickDTA Guest

    Carrotid Cutter is comparable to the sebilite croaking dirk...the only difference in damage is the low end If you have the dirk don't really worry about upgrading it with instance loot imo. If you get a drop that is an upgrade, great , but the only thing that will be a noticable difference is raid loot.
  10. ARCHIVED-TepOssur Guest

    I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Greenmist katana yet, it has the same crit as the Fingerbone, the proc on it is 3 times larger and has a large phsy mit debuff, and compairable damage range (only a difference of 30pts) and is probably the easiest HQ in the game at the moment (aside from getting the starter out of Atrebes which no one likes to do).
  11. ARCHIVED-Thunndar316 Guest

    Try finishing the TSO questline and get your meat cleaver
  12. ARCHIVED-Lossewen Guest

    Thunndar316 wrote:
    This would be my suggestion too