Swashbucklers losing 2 CAs to lack of scout thrown weapons

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Hissakar, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Hissakar Guest

    I am one of the swashy's that use these CAs. They are "Acrctic Blast" and "Storm of Steel".
    They both require a thrown weapon to be used. As there is no thrown weapons for scouts, they are useless.
    They need to be changed to work with a bow, if DoV thrown weapons are solely for bruisers/monks.
    Thanks for your time.
  2. ARCHIVED-Circa Guest

    honestly though, why would anyone use storm of steel? or even have it on a hotbar?
  3. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Doesn't matter "why" someone would use them. If itemization doesn't support a class, either the class or the itemization needs to be changed.
    Unfortunately, with DoV, itemization is a catastrophe. This particular example is sadly unsurprising.
  4. ARCHIVED-Hisvet Guest

    I'm a ranger, I think Swash CAs and thrown weapons need to be itemized and itemized now. I'd also like to see their CA's buffed up. And we should be seeing them drop as much as bows. I'm tired of seeing monk bandoleers all the time.
    Now some of this is self interest. I don't particularly like the idea that anyone can use a bow just as well as a ranger, get as high auto attack with the same bow I use as a ranger etc. But I also believe in having some unique individual scout itemization to keep things fun.
    Get swashies their throwing satchels, make the satchels with great swashy stats, perhaps give them aoe autoattack major boosts or something, same stats as bows anything they need! Let them do great damage with those throwing knives. Improve their 2 CAs so they are worth something. Heck give them another. But they aren't even in game yet, its embarrassing. For that matter they need bucklers too if they want that option.
  5. ARCHIVED-OutcastBlade Guest

    I don't care tbh. I love doing massive auto attacks with a bow.
    Hisvet wrote:
    What about brigands? Don't they use thrown weapons too?
  6. ARCHIVED-Lueen Guest

    Both of the Rogue classes have been affected by the Brawler love that SOE seems to have reguarding the thrown weapon items. It really sucks hitting your ranged auto attack and going afk while arrowing down Legatus Prime Mikill when there was a little more that could have been done.

    Plagee 90 Swashbuckler
    Reaver of Unrest
  7. ARCHIVED-OutcastBlade Guest

    Arrowing down Legatus? Whatever happened to jousting in in between AEs?
  8. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    Check the test update notes from monday the 13th. Swash's and Brigs will soon be able to use any ranged weapon they can equip with their ranged CA's.

    Simple fix, SOE. Thank you very much! :D