Summoner Nerf

Discussion in 'Mages' started by sycla, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    That's true I got a feeling the epic 2 will go down those lines for buffs.
  2. sycla Active Member

    I agree they are why would they spend time/ effort to nerf one class.
    It's not like any conj was doing more dps than Bl or sins.
    The only reason I ca think of is that we will soon be getting temp pets in Ascension lines and this was meant to make sure summoner pets don't do as much as ascension pets.
  3. Veta Well-Known Member

    There are only 2 temp pets: geomancer and elementalist. The geomancer one wards and I didn't test thorough enough on beta but the elementalist one is damage, possibly only single target. I am not sure how well the geomancer did with wards, but the elementalist one was terrible and could not achieve top 15 on my parse.
    Beee likes this.
  4. Pitta Active Member

    Does what server you are on actually matter? I'm confused here. I'm not trying to get into a "who knows more about the class" contest. You are saying that swarm pets are the equivalent of dog s h i t now. I say the opposite. I have provided my proof. I await yours. Prove to me that swarm pets (ALL OF THEM COMBINED) are less than 5% of your parse (as mentioned previously), and i will concede my point. Obviously don't use inflated parses where you did 200b damage with Ethershadow Assassin as your data sample.
    Swarm pets deal about 25% less damage, from the information i have gathered. Prove to me that i am wrong. I would love to hear your opinion.
  5. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    Good for you, I raid tomorrow champ let me see. From what I've seen in grp and dummy mine are down a lot I am not sure where your pulling the 5% out of though?
  6. Mrmacky Active Member

    Actually the elementalist temp pet is an aoe pet. Its single target damage is far less than any other damaging ability the elementalist gets. Obviously itll do more if theres 3+ targets.
    Well maybe not more than scorched earth still.
  7. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    You might be fun to tickle then...
  8. Sowy Active Member

    I think this same nerf killed the predator Shadows
  9. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    Ok raided today , I apologize Pitta my swarms were doing around usual % in a raid . I would like to add it doesn't matter much any way now this ascension stuff is here its bit of a let down and I'd take our resets back over it any day.
  10. emufrombeyond Member

    If I lost my wallet and got it back but all the cash was gone along with my debit card I could say it's not that bad as whoever stole it isn't going to get much money out of it right now. That is what is happening. I have better gear than I did but I'm doing less dps overall due to the swarm nerf (and somewhat due to the reset rune nerf). The swarms are a much more pressing concern than reset rune.
    Anaranj likes this.
  11. Entropy Well-Known Member

    It's almost like people get appropriate results when they test this stuff in real conditions instead of setting up a dummy parse that may or may not be anywhere near actual combat conditions.
    Pitta and Azeren like this.
  12. Xsarinx Member

    Tell me one other class that has had their non-AA signature spell/ability (and yes, a lot of summoners actually believe that our signature abilities are in summoning) had it's application of the players' stats reduced. Whether that's 50% or 75%. And there are plenty of parses now being posted on DB tracker that illustrate they are in the 1-2% of total damage.
  13. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    Swarms are still buggy with what we think is a Resolve thing there's alot of swarm hits in act showiing 0 damage at times and yeah I am over having my signature abilities adjusted like 6 times now it starts to get you down. I do have a hammer proc giving ferv to my swarms which makes them hit harder I noticed there's a issue tracker ticket up now the buck stops with the devs so they will look at it. last time after a long argumentative thread they readjusted them up a tad who knows this time .
  14. kluxor Well-Known Member

    Summoners are a whiny bunch even though they're in one of the best spots right now. Reset nerfs didn't affect you guys nearly as much as predators, where our hardest hitting ability went from 30second recast with resets to 2.5 minutes, which is just a small sample of how hard we got hit.

    All this "signature ability" stuff is nonsense too. Every time a summoned ability gets touched it's their "signature ability" which I've seen mentioned as their pets, element blast (or toxicity, both maybe?), soul burn, swarm pets, and I'm sure I'm missing something too.
  15. Anzark Member

    Someone is salty!
  16. Anaranj Member

    What I ask is why the summoners are the only ones who have received an extra nerf, supplementary, added to the general nerf. It is true that the nerf of the reset rune does not affect us as much as some other class, but if we add the least damage that Elemental Toxicity does now to the lowest damage the dumbfires do, then the nerf is higher. And I do not include Soulburn because as the time passes it does less damage to the point that it already seems insignificant.
  17. Veta Well-Known Member

    Nah, you're right. I didn't have an ability go from a 30second recast with resets back to 5minutes.
    Kaarkula and Xillean like this.
  18. Kaarkula Active Member

  19. Mrmacky Active Member

    "Summoners" have a name. I am Mrmacky and I am the gentleman cow how you doin?
  20. LisciaSF Member

    Seems a bit less impactful than what everyone's saying in the thread. Here's a parse from Neh'Ashiir in Reaver's Remnants Heroic. I'd love if it it wasn't nerfed of course, we'll see how it goes![IMG]