Summer Breeze - Lavastorm Portal - Maj'Dul (Video Tour)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Febrith, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I love Ghost chilis, habaneros, jalapenos, the hotter the better. =)
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  2. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I always felt so guilty asking them to repeat themselves over and over. Its not that I am hard of hearing or not listening, I just for the life of me could not understand them. I speak English, I speak Celtic, which it was illegal to speak Celtic in Ireland until recently, I can speak some Dutch, I know you are supposed to call it the Netherlands but when I learned it, it was Dutch. My grandma learned it from the Amish as when they came here they lived among the Amish and traded with them and they taught each other recipes and such so they learned each others languages so they could communicate and work together.

    Make a Scotsman angry and you will do good to understand him, same with any Celt for that matter. The angrier we get the harder we are to understand but you will get the point. I miss the old days when people learned to communicate with each other however they could so they could work and live together. That is where society has gone wrong, well one way. Nobody cares if anybody else understands them as long as they get what they want when they want it. The world is to ME, ME, ME, ME, centric.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  3. Febrith Well-Known Member

    South Coast yes! And boy, your husband and his family have an amazing ear lol, I really thought I'd lost it all, who'da thunk it:)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  4. Breanna Well-Known Member

    Piping In Now LOL I've had Ghost cheese and it is FANTASTIC! I love hot spicy stuff, my worse half hates it, I call him a heat wuss. It's so bad my chili I now call hamburger soup.

    Myself I have a really hard time with middle eastern (Iran, Iraq ect....) I've lost 40% hearing in both ears so any accent really messes with me, but those seem to be the worse for me. I grew up in the south (America) had a really nice southern drawl y'all come back now ya hear hehe I know precious right. It is mostly gone now though since I've been in the north for over half my life. Although he still hates the way I say curtains and kittens it's like curdens and kiddens. I gave up on Massachusetts that is now just M word east coast, and fifth wheel is now five wheel. He picks on my something horrible. But I fix him when he writes I grab my red ink pen and start correcting all his spelling mistakes LMAO.
    Cyrrena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, clearly you've built up your tolerance! :D

    "Over time, I've developed an immunity to iocaine poisoning." --or something to that effect, The Dread Pirate [Wesley]

    Breanna likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! It's not always that written language = spoken for some individuals (though I've been told by others that I tend to even speak in parentheses and asides... ;->).

    My hubby used to be able to handle really hot Thai food (though he drew the line at Korean...hoooooweeeeee), though he's lost his tolerance over the years, and is almost as bad as me for being a spice wuss. ;->

    Breanna likes this.
  7. Niboota Well-Known Member

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  8. Niboota Well-Known Member

    NO! What's wrong with you people!! Mild to Medium!
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, easy explanation: they've either built up their neurotoxin tolerance, Nib, or they're mutants. ;->

  10. Niboota Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming they are mutants! Lol
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  11. Mariebella Well-Known Member

    Make a Scotsman angry and you will do good to understand him, same with any Celt for that matter. The angrier we get the harder we are to understand but you will get the point

    ^^This is so true (scottish.) Although sometimes my guildies hear my husband talking on the phone and ask why he is so angry and I'm like nope he just talking normally.

    I always think accents are fascinating, hopeless at guessing American though unless someone is from the south. Or Boston, that one is awesome and very hard to miss.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  12. Niboota Well-Known Member

    ROTFL awesome! I guess you avoided the American tour videos then!!
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  13. Spirit Active Member

    I'm bleeding to death in the ally with two children gets 0 views , ghost peppers are hot gets 11 pages of responses ?
    I may never understand peoples.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.