[Stormhold] Has voting for unlocks been discontinued?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Sinhika, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. dirgenoobforreal Well-Known Member

    I would login to vote no just to annoy the remaining 19 players.

    I suck, I know.
  2. Gunath New Member

    As one of the RLs of AN, I don't take offense to not being included with the top-tier guilds. We have had the same problem that every other guild has: lack of new players to recruit. Add to the bleed of players to FG or Live, and we raid what we can when we can.

    I do think SOME players will hit 50, get their HQs done, and bail back to their main server (Live of SH), but I don't think it will matter much. The GL of AN got asked to give players a reason to play on SH. We all came up empty. Other than raiding and enjoying the new HQ items on SH, what is there to do?

    There were several poor decisions made with SF that caused burn-out for players (from what I have seen) to accelerate. Itemization was one of them.

    That being said, I do believe a someone from DBG should at least take away the mystery and guessing by telling us what is going on. If they are going to shut it down, when, how, what will happen to the toons we all spent time on? If they aren't, what are they going to do to get more players there?

    Given that threads about SH dying seem to sit on the front page and complaints about FG include warnings in how they dealt with SH, you would think that the devs would want to at least want some of that to stop. Communication is the only way that is going to happen.
  3. Xeryn Member

    Europa, EU Raid Guild (Stormhold) is on summer raiding break but due to be back to raiding & we were looking forward to DoV. and at least Underfoot Depths.

    Perhaps the content can be given a release date for those who are still interested. . Lots of us from the guild are playing on Fallen Gate also but we haven't given up on Stormhold yet.

    Until we hear otherwise, I would like to see the content released as voting isn't going to work.
  4. sinergy111 Member

    I'm also one of the leaders of <Antonica's Nameless> the one who was referenced in the above post. I'll give you a little background out the situation we are facing. We just got back from Las Vegas as our guild continues the tradition of annual meet ups started with fan faire soelive. We call it F. A. N. Faire (forever Antonica's Nameless) we had over 20 people and meet up and party in Las Vegas and have a blast! This event 2 years ago is where we decided to give TLE a shot in the first place. We love stormhold and will continue to play there till they kick us off.

    That being said the heroic content for SF itemization is in a rough place. Many of the items are missing crit chance and resists. The gear from WoE is better than most of the heroic gear that drops so there is no way for our guild to get upgrades except from raids. Therefore during the week we play on FG because at least the heritage items are upgrades for our toons.

    If they were to fix itemization of SF to allow for something better than previous tier raid content then we would be running current tier heroics. We are not the best raid guild we are a drinking guild with a raiding problem. Not trying to turn this into a recruiting thread just saying there is more people than just the top end raiding guilds that want to see SH continue that can fill 4 groups to go die to epic mobs and drink everytime we wipe.

    When they do release some kind of heroic daily content that will provide real upgrades I will be able to tell my guild this is why you log in between raids after you hit max level and AA. Until then enjoy your break see you for Drunken Friday and be ready to hit DoV
  5. Shwetty Active Member

    Hit me up on discord Shwetty#6448 if there is a real HM raid going on SH with a spot for a Templar.
    Looking to finish up HM SF/UD and DoV
  6. Xeryn Member

    The vote is now active on Stormhold for mid-content (Underfoot Depths etc)
  7. Windelk New Member

    And apparently that vote didn't matter and they just decided to release it in tandem with FG's update.
  8. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    At this point what would holding a legit vote serve? I'm guessing that this just gives the raid guilds that have stuck with it one last hurrah to finish off the expansion before they shut it down.