Storm of Steel ever changing?

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Thunndar316, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Thunndar316 Guest

    I got a new master the other day.
    Unfortunately it was Storm of Steel
    This thing is almost as WORTHLESS as Sleight of Hand. I say almost because it does actually have a purpose for the extremely rare case that I need to go AFK on a boss fight.
    I had heard that this useless CA would be getting changed. My question is can I hold on to this master in hope of it being made useful or should I mute the thing? Right now I would take an infusion for it.
  2. ARCHIVED-Keyh Guest

    Sleight of Hand is about 10 times more useful than Storm of Steel.

    The Ranger's version (Stream of Arrows) was changed. I wouldn't expect the same for us.
  3. ARCHIVED-RingleToo Guest

    Keyh wrote:
    Which is kind of like saying that a blind 3 legged mule is more useful then a blind crippled mule.
  4. ARCHIVED-Keyh Guest

    RingleToo wrote:
    Overall usefulness aside, that's an accurate statement as well.
  5. ARCHIVED-DngrMouse Guest

    Mute it. You'll get a lot more use from an adornment than you ever will from Storm of Fail.