Hey all, I haven't played much lately. Just wanted to share the tool produced that help me be a successful Sorc. If you want full automation, you need to turn on macros. Warlock July 2018http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22523371186243438924 I was an etherialst when I made this one, feel free to augment it to you own liking. Wizard DPS February 2018http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=03391682298589647371 No ascensions here, but you can add them if you like. I had posted this under tips and tricks, maybe its better here... Enjoy.
Warlock https://www.dropbox.com/s/agwkgt7d6c0cotv/Warlock DPS Efficiency.xlsm?dl=0 Wizard https://www.dropbox.com/s/duvw1ptv9nn1ssb/Wizard DPS Efficiency.xlsm?dl=0
Where did you get the numbers in the "max" column straight from tool tips? some of them are equations but based on numbers I can't figure out where from?
Someone else did these on the old forums. The original links now go to a malware-infested site, so I moved clean copies to Dropbox.