Some PvP vids from the last TLE PvP server.

Discussion in 'PvP TLE Discussion' started by ŞɸƦѦ, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. ŞɸƦѦ Member

    I heard about the upcoming TLE PvP server and started reminiscing on the last one. Here are a few vids from the last one if anyone is feeling nostalgic. These are from the Deathtoll server and not from the "seasonal" PvP server, as I felt that server was an absolute joke, and I did not participate.

    Darkhand vs Deported

    Darkhand vs The Kraken

    Darkhand vs Fortitude

    I have a lot of the raid vs raid fights but my PC was pretty bad back then and they're pretty laggy. I don't really have solo vids since I play a paladin and everyone just runs if they're going to lose :(

    Edit: If anyone wants to link some videos from the last TLE, I'd love to see them as well! Something to chew on while we wait.
  2. SevenShadows Member

    I always enjoy watching EQ2 PVP content, I'm hoping we have some good content creators for the new server. I think folks making YT content like this goes a long way in keeping the server interesting and healthy. It's always fun to watch the rivalries and drama unfold too.

    Thanks for the vids :)
  3. NotYoung Member

    Deathtoll was such a blast, I hope this new server gets the attention it deserves. I’m willing to personally donate $1000 to the devs to not nerf dispatch into the ground. Here’s an old vid from yours truly, the best brigand to ever live :)

    ŞɸƦѦ and SevenShadows like this.
  4. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

  5. Hoiyay Active Member

    This one made young big mad lol. Probably one of the last fights I had on deathtoll before quit after I consistently logged on and /who all and there were just single digits.

    Damn...can't get image to load.
  6. Hoiyay Active Member

  7. ŞɸƦѦ Member

    Even though brigands were disgustingly broken, cool video Young. Anyone else have some DT vids?
  8. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    I'm actually impressed by your humility to admit you were carried by a broken ability and want it to stay so you'll have a chance. Proud of you.
    Siren likes this.
  9. Draydan New Member

    Young you forgot to add the clip where u jumped my brig in barren sky when u were lvl 70 and I was 64 and **** all over your chest... or every other 1v1 we had
  10. Candyman45 New Member

  11. Draydan New Member

  12. NotYoung Member

    All these years later and you’re still a scrub, where’s the video mate? I was the best and bladedancer was very close second... every other brig was mediocre you included... I love how salty you still are, makes my heart happy lmfao
  13. Draydan New Member

    lmfao no salt brother just reminding you about some facts that u forgot to leave out.
  14. Begeast Member

    Hi everyone :)
    Sixgauge likes this.
  15. Candyman45 New Member

  16. Draydan New Member

    hey buddy hows my favorite aussie?
  17. Candyman45 New Member

    Predacane was the best brig hands down!
  18. Draydan New Member

    This is a joke right?
  19. Dudo Member

    Has % heals?
  20. Candyman45 New Member