Solo vs. Adv Solo

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Mountbatten, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    This is a pretty minor gripe, but it would be nice if doing an advanced solo would count for the regular solo quests as well. Seems like making you do the solo when you already did the adv solo is just busy work.
    Feldon likes this.
  2. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    IMO, that's not a "minor gripe" at all -- I didn't know previously that doing the advanced solo wouldn't count for the quest line.

    That's an impossibly bad design decision, but then, at this point, I can't think of a single good reason for the "normal solo" version to exist at all. The CoE/ToV model worked quite well, I see no reason they didn't follow it for this expac.
  3. Purrako Active Member

    A possible reason is some people (like me) don't quickly pick up script events very well.
    This new method of having a way to pick up script mechanics in smaller chunks rather than getting hit with all of them at once is kinda nice.
    I would much rather learn the new instances as far as where the important NPCs are how to get around the zone etc and then add on more difficult scripts to work with. This solo/advanced solo/heroic progression does this pretty well in my opinion.

    If the the advanced solos do not update the sig questline I think they should.
    Probably many folks can breeze through the advanced ones from either seeing them on beta or are just that good of player in general.
    So yeah forcing them to run the reg solo version for the sig quest would be a boring step.

    So basically I like the solo versions personally but can see why others may want to just skip to the advanced ones and should be able to.
  4. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I think the issue regarding the quest line is that some of the "solo" zones they have you go in aren't actually the solo zones at all but rather a special instance for that specific quest. The Ossuary one comes to mind as an example.

    I think having the option of the regular solo is nice for those who either don't have the gear or just want to learn mechanics (also they are I think level 95+ zones, rather than 100). The only reason I even mentioned it was because I picked up all the solo missions and ran the advanced solos only to find that I still had a bunch of quests to go kill the exact same mobs I just killed. I'm not about to get bent out of shape over 12 Ferrins, hence only a minor gripe for me.
  5. Jrel Well-Known Member

    If a solo/adv solo instance differs so greatly than the regular instance that it can't be used to update the sig questline, then it needs to have " - Sig Quest" attached to it, or its own special name (noted in the quest journal) at the zone-in.
  6. Sisca Well-Known Member

    There are several steps on the signature that require that you go into a special version of the instance, Ossuary is the first of these I believe. There are also several that just require you to go into the regular solo instance. Brokenskull and Hidden Caldera are 2 of those and if you have the daily Solo mission you can get the update for it as you're doing the signature.

    As to why the AS don't count for those that use the regular Solo version I can think of a couple of reasons.

    For Brokenskull you need to collect some body drops and then talk to someone that spawns in. I'm guessing that those drops aren't on the mobs and the trigger to spawn the person isn't in that version. Still it should tell you the specific version you need in the quest journal.

    I do know that when you get to Castle Highhold it specifically says either the Solo or Adv Solo.
  7. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I ran one badly geared wizz in Brokenskull AS and he could validate his signature.

    There is a big differet more than 5 buffence in difficulty between AS and solo. As example the behmoth in Solo never get more than 5 bufs, in As he goes up to 10 .... in highkeep in solo no add when using curtain, in AS you get some ...
    etc ..... Brokenskull does not change much from solo to advanced solo.

    For other i don't know since i never ran the solo versions.
  8. Xiatoris Member

    The Solo vs. Advanced Solo instances are for people that are running the quest-line and may not be geared well enough to handle the advanced solo yet.

    I was fairly appreciative of that solo zones for sig quest updates while running my conjurer through, that's for sure.
  9. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    We shouldn't talk about whether we remove solo zones or not. Point is that advanced solo zones should update the quests too. Then both sides are happy.
  10. Ragna Well-Known Member

    You can get a set of missions for Solo and another set for Advanced Solo.
    Different missions, different zones, mobs having the same name is irrelevant unless you want to also ask for Heroic zone to update AS and solo quest.

    On a side note, Sig quest can be updated in either Solo or AS (obviously only when the zone exists and isn't a Sig quest only zone like Ossuary or Temple)
  11. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    That comparison is irrelevant since you're equating group content to solo content. The sig quest can be updated with either the solo or adv solo, I assumed (incorrectly) the same would be the case with the missions. But it is such a minor thing, it really doesn't bother me that much either way.
  12. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Saying the adv solo daily should update the solo daily is like saying the heroic should update the advanced.