Sleeper's Tomb: Advanced Solo needs higher contrast between colors

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by CoLD MeTaL, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Last mob needs more contrast in the colors.

    All he does on my screen is flash continously between the same 2 colors regardless of what the columns are set to flash. I get messages about his 'aura' but he doesn't take any dmg before or after those messages. He seems to heal up regardless of what you do.

    Yes, I understand what you are supposed to do as its written at Zam.
  2. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Isnt it intended that you got once the message "His aura gets busted by the lightnings" and then shortly after "His aura is broken and you can slap him" ? oh well, didn´t remember the exact phrases, but should do.
    Did you try to balance the colorsettings on your screen or even graphcard or even in eq2?
  3. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I did mess with the colors, and he does have 2 messages. He still doesn't take dmg after the second message.
  4. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    did you let him stayed inside (could be painfull, as he do kick random). he needs to be inside a awfull long time (at least, thats what i thinking.... did the signa about 6-7 times, only 1-2 times i bother to kill him anyways ^^)
  5. Bjorne New Member

    I had to turn up my overall gamma to the max setting. Not only was I having a hard time with the colors like the OP, but I was getting eaten alive by the land mines on the very first named.
  6. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    If you fall too far behind, he gets both buffs. (The reason you can't tell if he's got red or blue up, is because both are up, and he looks purple). Then you have to set the pillars to red, wait for red to strip, set the pillars to blue, wait for blue to strip, and hope neither buff comes back while you're catching up.

    In heroic, it's easier to look at his buffs window - there's one obvious blue one, and one obvious red one - but I haven't done solo again since noticing that, so I don't know if it applies.
  7. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    It's easier to watch his buff window, yes: the red & blue buffs really are red & blue icons, and they're always among the first 2 or 3 in the window.

    I've killed him several times as my alts & guildies have gone through the questline, but I've had to bail on three occasions when he'd get into a broken mode where he'd have both buffs up, and clearing them with the pillars only held for 1 or 2 seconds; he'd get rebuffed virtually immediately. I haven't been able to figure out why this happens, but bringing big DPS at least shortens the fight so there's less chance it does... (Red buff has incoming-damage-reduction, blue buff has a heal, so he's hard to beat down with either buff up. I did take him down through the red buff once when we were having positioning issues...)
  8. Afista Well-Known Member

    My husband has a harder time with this encounter because he's color blind and cannot tell the difference between the red and blue hues : / I run it with him so we're fine, but I know there must be others out there too who are colorblind and connot see the changes.

    It would have been nice if the mob changed from fire to ice form or something, instead of just a particle addition, but I doubt anything will be changed now. Either way, please keep the visually impaired in mind for future color-change based encounters =p
  9. Jacck Active Member

    Commanders in PoW harkens to you. Kidding and sorry, I apologize.
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    Jacck that's mean. They have a valid point that Heroic is too easy and that this fight is markedly more obnoxious by confusing visual feedback.