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Siren's Grotto: Dissension

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Errrorr, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if that's it but there is definitely something that is periodically making lightning 'spread' pretty much instantly.
  2. Chronus Active Member

    That would actually explain a lot.

    Also agree with a point made earlier by Slippery that on Psyllon'Ris the Stinging Phoenix should spawn on the chosen person.
  3. slippery Well-Known Member

    My main complaints left in this zone are general pathing on Psyllon'Ris (why can't we just have flat ground in raid zones? Is the hey that's cool once really worth the ever constant pathing problems?), and the Guardians on Talan either should have less hp or shouldn't mem wipe.
  4. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    That dps check is really the only challenge of the fight. We've been able to one-pull it three times in a row (with 3 diff people called) so it's very doable as is.
  5. Chronus Active Member

    It is indeed the only challenge, it's the real named. Would even be fine having it with a bit more hp and spawn on the person so it's not down to the luck of the pathing.
  6. Atan Well-Known Member

    Was it intended for the first name in this zone to be more challenging than Glokus?

    I want to say from the itemization this was not the intent, but I'm surprised to see even at this date the encounter difficulty is scaled where it is.
  7. Gninja Developer

    The zone's difficulty is put at the end of normal mode COE difficulty. The loot is better than normal mode COE loot. Glokus (Plane of War) has much more moving parts than Caella does and the loot is comparable aside from the set bonuses. I would compare it more to that of like Ancient Sentinel or Mazarine the Queen as it is intended to be step up from there.

    As far as intention... Yes, the encounters in Siren's Grotto are intended to be on the difficult side as we have a pretty good amount of easier content already in with COE.
    Quabi and Lempo like this.
  8. Atan Well-Known Member

    Its no where near that ball park.

    1) The adds are more difficult to tank and heal than glokus adds. They hit harder, debuff more, and there are many more to deal with.
    2) there is nearly as much movement on both fights the difference is there are fewer places music boxes spawn at on glokus and they are far easier to see.
    3) The DPs check on Ceala is much higher than music boxes or adds on Glokus.
    4) The KB on glokus is easier to deal with than the rebuff clearing and control affect penalty on Ceala.

    I'm not even going to compair it to the 2 fights you mentioned but CM Sentinel is trivial compared to this encounter, much less the non challenge mode sentinel.

    Ceala is trivial if you have a raid force well beyond its challenge level, but guilds at the gear level that the rewards from the encounter are desired are by no way capable of meeting the DPs requirements of the fight much less deal with all the other components. I think this is easily observed by reviewing who has and hasn't killed this content.

    I agree there is plenty of easy content but there isn't a very good ramp up in difficulty. It really is go do other easier content with better rewards so you can kill harder mobs with worse rewards.
  9. Gninja Developer

    The first few encounters in Sirens have already been reduced in difficulty quite a bit. We do not feel they should be reduced further without adjusting the rewards they give which are between normal and challenge mode COE. It is also worth mentioning that the failure conditions for having lower dps are much more forgiving on the Sirens grotto encounters than the failure conditions in Plane of War.

    You mentioned the control effect penalty on Caella. You should only be getting those if you do not follow the script i.e cure a detriment or pull her somewhere she shouldn't be.

    I'm sorry if you have been having trouble with those encounters. Have you tried different tanks and different raid setups etc? Keep in mind not every encounter is setup in Siren's to be able to be tanked the exact same way.
  10. Kcool005 Active Member

    The encounter isn't difficult at all, if you do the script correctly -- The only annoying part is that randomly the adds will get away from the Curse, and u just equilibrium, or put something big up till the tank gets it back... ---- There's no Death-Touch on the mob, it's just constant dmg with a few AE's as a tank, i generally try to block what i can to take stress off healers...

    Easiest way we found to do it when we were lower on gear is run 3 tanks, 2 on adds, and have 1 of the 2 rdy to grab siren add... have raid run singular focus, and just cure curses on tanks, that way if 1 tank gets curse they jump to next... --- have adds tanked little away from raid if u have any AE proc's so it doesn't hit them. put conj on 1 side, necro on other -- have them pet pull add instantly when it spawns... Not killing that add is where the typical wipe will come from..

    But, tbh the 3rd mob is far easier then the first if u have 2 tanks that can pay attention... and if your raid isn't very coordination friendly just stay away from second named.

    Personally i hate the zone, but i don't think the difficulty is off at all... Little coordination will win the fight, its not as much of a DPS check as you think if you move things around.
  11. Atan Well-Known Member

    I'm not having trouble killing this. I'm having trouble finding a raid force that can kill it and need the rewards from it.

    In my guild our top tier of aid force occasionally goes to SG and kills this mob. We happened to do this recently in the same night as killing Glokus and the first two names in Dreadcutter. As a whole the raidforce was uninterested in the zone and unhappy with the encounter as it was by far the most challenging encounter we pulled that night and at the same time had the worst rewards.

    Now our 2nd tier raidforce is at the exact progression point you claim these encounters were set for. I've gone in with them and there is no way they have the DPs to deal with this fight, and due to the damage profile of those adds, losing one healer quickly turns into losing a tank and either the name breaking lose or adds coming free killing enough people that the encounter become untenable rather quickly and there isn't time to recover. So while nor technically a hard failure, in practicality to any force not overgeared for the encounter it is.

    Again I think this is well evidenced by who has and hasn't killed these mobs and what they are killing before making a kill here. Either the loot needs work or the encounter should be tuned to the progression point you described.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    This is not much different than our own strategy for this fight. I'm not saying we can't kill it, I'm saying raid forces that actually value the rewards (like the ones at the progression point gninja stated) are unable to kill this mob.

    I agree the 3rd name is where it needs to be. The first and second are not where they should be, or the loot should match the challenge.
  13. Davito Active Member

    Honestly @Atan, you joust probably try doing them in a different way with your 2nd raid force than in your first. If your 2nd raid force isn't as good ofcourse. I mean I raid in Revelations, and then in Zenith (on AB, alt guild with a bunch of equil alts on the weekend) and we don't use Rev or Equil strats on all of the named. You have to make a strat work towards your strengths in the raid. You can't go in with 2 completely different raids and talent pools and expect to do the fight the exact same way. Kinda foolish for you to even assume that. In all reality all first 3 named are equally challenging. If you don't execute the scripts the correct way.

    The only thing slightly annoying about the first 3 is the mem-wipes on the 2nd encounter. But we do it with only 2 tanks every weekend.
  14. Drumstixx Active Member

    There are fights in this game that drop lackluster loot, and they test you before you get the the harder mobs that drop better loot. It doesn't have to be perfect and cookie cutter. I'm glad that mob isn't a complete pushover. It's things like this that push encounters/zones to just be a boring straightforward progression IMO.
    Plinc likes this.
  15. Atan Well-Known Member

    I'm not suggesting they should be a pushover, I'm just stating that looking at progression game wide, and who has killed what and in what order, there is a natural order, and these mobs are not where they said they were intended.
  16. Atan Well-Known Member

    Certainly, one raid force can do that with 2 tanks, the other would need at least 3. I was never suggesting they would approach the challenge the same. The issue is the different in DPS between the forces and that is primarily attributed to the gear available to each from what they have killed. I'm aware of no force that is in the target range SoE has provided for these mobs that has killed them before mobs that are supposedly to be harder than these (CM Sentinel, etc.)
  17. Davito Active Member

    Because they execute the strat wrong.
  18. Atan Well-Known Member

    That would be one way to look at it. Another is to say they're unable to kill the controller before the blue text and then tanks die from dead healers due to the damage profile of the encounter and if they elect to bring enough healers and tanks to live thru a blue text call, they lack the DPs to get one controller down before the next one spawns.

    Now guilds beyond the progression point of the gear rewarded are capable of managing the encounter, there is plenty of evidence to support that. But we can blame 'bad players' if we like, they are an easy scapegoat.
  19. Zizinana Active Member

    hi all! Does anyone know (remember) how to put Diviner Gelerin into hard mode?

  20. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I farm this zone on the regular. There's a hard mode for Diviner Gelerin and Persecutor Barid? Nothing listed in achievements and the challenge mode isn't needed to summon Psyllon'Ris at the end.
    Zizinana likes this.