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Siren's Grotto: Dissension

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Errrorr, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    So we took a raid force into this zone tonight, and tried out the first 3 nameds. After testing these, I'd like some red named feedback on a few aspects for each fight:

    First Named - Caella of the Pearl
    Is the hate debuff on tanks meant to be -500%? Or is this a misplaced decimal point. I could understand maybe if it were -5%, but -500% for being hit by 1 melee? No tank stands a chance of holding these adds ever, and any scout doing them would have to be really really quick and having amazing reflexes to catch adds consistently.
    But as soon as you have -500% hate gain as a tank, you stand no chance at all of holding the adds against a wizard going full AE dps, so then they have to spend 20s running to a waterfall to clear the detrimental and in mean time adds have either ruined your other tanks hate, or killed a load of the raid. Only feasible way I see of killing this mob currently is to have a boat load of DPS and just burn it hard and hope.

    Second Named - Entrancer Lisha
    Incoming Damage on the MT is a) Extremely high, b) Not showing in incoming damage, so there is no way at all of tracking it. Multiple tanks all confirmed ACT not picking up any incoming damage, as well as ingame logs doing so. Fully geared tanks with full wards and damage reductions up all taking random 1 shots? If its a DT, sure, thats fine, it'd be manageable if there was ANY clue at all what it was, what was causing it, or a time scale for it. After 5+ Pulls, it seemed completely random every time.

    Third Named - Priestess
    Frontal AE - Is a 80second duration frontal Stun. The named gives a red text warning, appears to root herself, but does not stay facing a direction. Tank then has to absorb the stun and is basically out of the fight for 80s. Next Frontal hits 20s later, next tank is out, and again. Tank can't avoid the frontal like most of these (Drinal for example, named stays facing 1 way.) and you basically run out of tanks. If named is meant to root and stay facing that direction? Fine, mob seems sorted.

    Misc Stuff -
    Dying at third named allows a revive point on 2nd floor, even though nameds don't pop down there. Kind of pointless
    2nd Floor, there is a very large hole in the floor/glitch just before where the Diviner Sub Boss should pop, which 3/4 of our raid fell into.
  2. Lurtz Member

    I was MT of the above raid.

    Caella -
    As above, I've assumed 5% was the amount wanted, not 500% and somewhere someone carried a decimal point or 2 :)
    With around 9mil DPS we could barely keep up on adds and named wasn't dying really at all. I've heard it was killed with 14million.

    Lisha -
    I honestly have no idea what was killing tanks, 1 group was moving the 2 eels around since they can't be killed and pop the bombs on the floor. other 3 groups were burning named.

    Priestess -
    I'm assuming she's meant to be facing and rooted on the frontal red. Too many tanks will be required in raid if not since you'll have to switch on this, then siwtch when too many buffs as well.

    Overall opinions, zone is buggy as hell and needs work :(
  3. Xelgad Developer

    Looks like there's an issue with Piercing Wail. We'll have it fixed soon. Thanks for reporting it.
  4. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Fair enough.

    And the rest? Intended for a mob not to show outgoing damage to the player, or do -500% hate debuffs? :)
  5. Xelgad Developer

    We have a friendly wager on whether or not you guys can figure it out with only the existing clues. My money is on "no," but I've underestimated you all before.

  6. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I look forward to lots of trial and error then (No pun intended), or waiting for any guild to try random strats and leek it out.
    First named is a bit of a gigantic **** block currently though in all honesty, or is if you compare it to the next 2 nameds in zone. 3rd Should be easily killable with the fix, 2nd is just a case of working out the random mechanic you think is fun, and then you have the first, which is basically who has enough dps to ignore any scripts and burn...
  7. scousetroub Active Member

    Caella of the Pearl - We killed once we figured stuff out,

    An Enslaved Eel - if you can call it a named was first pulled
  8. Silzin Active Member

    If the First few mobs in EH SoA are designed to be harder then the hardest of the HM CoE mobs the the loot BETTER reflect that.

    I am just saying.
  9. Jedediah Member

    pulled 2 hours couldnt figure out siren controllers,adds etc
  10. Mills New Member

    There are clues to stop the massive damage on the tanks for Entrancer Lisha, but its subtle. Once you know it though it's straightforward and completely avoidable.
  11. Cruckin New Member

    Problem is when raid content is first released we are used to it being broken. This plus lag makes it much harder to try to beat your head on against an non-intuitive wall.
  12. Froggleg Member

    I don't think the Entrancer is working like you think it is...cause if how it is now is working as intended, that's pretty dumb.
  13. Jedediah Member

    theres so much crap on fisrst name it doesnt make sense on what to even do
  14. slippery Well-Known Member

    Lets make an encounter that says leave this classes at home. That sounds cool right?
  15. Jedediah Member

    is the venomous spine and waxy urchin roe even for the first named or another
  16. Ucala Well-Known Member

  17. Atan Well-Known Member

    Messed around in this zone tonight. All in all, the zone came with a giant helping of 'not fun'.

    By the way, trash names are one thing, but having them drop gear worse than solo zones, what was the point?
    Brienae, Lempo and Sigrdrifa like this.
  18. Atan Well-Known Member

    If you care about random bugs, the trash only drops the wax and poison item into your bags if you have leader only: all items.

    I tried round robin, and leader only: legendary+ and both times the client indicated to everyone in the raid they looted the item, nothing was placed in their bags.
    Kraeref likes this.
  19. slippery Well-Known Member

    Fail adds really have way too much hp. If it's a fail effect that's meant to not be dealt with then just kill us. If it's meant to be recoverable then they need to have a lot less hp.

    It also needs to call out who failed to get where.

    Honestly, if you're going to have people running 150m, you need to give them something. That's 150m of people taken out of the fight completely. How about in-combat runspeed, cast on the run, things like that (or how about not running ridiculous distances in combat...)
  20. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    We completely missed it then. We just healed through it. And some other stuff.