Silent supernerve Blessing of Serenity ?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Beee, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. Beee Well-Known Member

    With this weeks patch on Jan 18th there was a huge function change without a word in the patchnotes:
    Potency does not applay any more on Blessing of Serenity
    So the spell is useless now

    If this is not intended, it's a crappy bug :)
    If it's intended it's not communicated :mad:
  2. Fairin Active Member

    you shoulda brought a coercer.
  3. Fleurs Active Member

    The heal part have been nerfed since the proving ground. (they made all %based heal unable to crit (or potency) even outside of proving ground)
    The mana part wasn't nerfed, but as long as you gain enough mana to cast your spell every 6 second, it is still a usefull spell. (Like the ethernean will, that give 470 mana every 6 second, which is enough to cast those heal spell when out of mana.)
  4. Lucus Well-Known Member

    yes it was nerfed, way back they nerfed the heal part but left the power restore alone, before the patch on the 18th it was restoring +600% power per 6 seconds. now it's only restoring 1% per tick, because some people mentioned using it for the massive power restore on discord.
  5. Fleurs Active Member

    Ok thanks, haven't logged yet today.
    Well, 1% per tick of 500k mana is still 5000 mana per tick, and my most expensive ward is 800 mana, and regular ones are 400 mana. So i can still gain enought mana to cast 5-10 spell every 6 second, which is much more spell i can even cast in that time.

    I agree this is a nerf, but as long as my spell fire off instead of "not enough power", that divine spell still fulfill it's role.

    If all divine spell were as usefull as this, it would be much better.
    /em look at cazic thule, with most mobs being un-charmable and un-fearable. Despite having a 10 minute charm and a 1 minute AoE unbreakable fear with 99%snare included in it that just bring a "immune" every time...
  6. Lucus Well-Known Member

    what made it super useful with full power restore every 6 seconds was in crafting and using on mobs that have hefty power drains(some old raids for example and some newer heroics).

    IMHO they nerfed it too hard 1% is too low IMHO it should be like 5-6% every 6 seconds.
  7. Moss Well-Known Member

    That's strange you neither complanied about the chanters mana regen not effected by potency, making them more useless after each expensions. Of course you could always use other mechanism to replace them. The karana blessing, mana regen potions, essence of malice and other class regen abilities that are still affected by potency, contrary to the chanters one's. Hopefully more patch will come to fix all maga regen abilities and make chanters usefull again.

    Well some scripts will also have to be fixed at the same time.
  8. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    Why do eq2 players always shoot their own feet, its been this way since 2004. Listen up people, the devs aren't your friends, and you should consider talking to them like you would the police.
    Fairin, Steelviper, Rhodris and 2 others like this.
  9. Tekka Well-Known Member

    That gave me a good morning giggle. Thank You.

    (it's also true)
  10. Lucus Well-Known Member

    because those players were from a raid guild higher on the progression list and they wanted it nerfed AFTER they used it to slow down every other raid guild underneath them.
  11. Fairin Active Member

    they act like disgruntled DM's that actively hate the players so they'll quit and stop commin over to their house every weekend to play D&D. "wait you have a +5 longsword at lv 10? a rustmonster shows up and magically eats it - no save.. then dies cause it ate a magical weapon. you find a longsword +2 on the ground nearby." - evil dm

    i have so much regret talking to the "police"