Sig Question

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-kittenboy8, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-kittenboy8 Guest

    If i upload a picture to the eq2 website under my profile(in the uploaded pictures section), can i use that to be inserted for my signature?
  2. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    As long as you upload it in the correct area, you can use any 170x305 image of your character instead of the paperdoll taken by the game.
    To make it appear on your EQ2 Players character profile and signature, you need to take the following steps:
    1. Go to the EQ2 Players website. (Sign in if you're not already.)
    2. Click "Characters" in the menu on the left.
    3. Click the character's name in the menu on the right of the character you want to upload a paperdoll for.
    4. In the tabs above your character profile, click the red "Admin" tab.
    5. Below the "Admin" tab, click "Manage Images." [This is NOT the same as "Manage Screenshots!"]
    6. Under the "Profile Image" header, click "Browse..." and locate your character's paperdoll image.
    7. Once the filename appears in the text box next to the "Browse..." button, click the "Upload to Server" button.