Short answer

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Oxulatlan, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Oxulatlan Guest

    The short answer is that Rangers and Assassins do about the same volume of damage. They differ in the weapons and tactics they use. Rangers inflict damage with Archery at short to extreme distances. Assassins seem to be geared towards melee inflicted damage. Additionally, Assassins abilities seem to be more heavily dependant on their position relative to the mob than Ranger's. (From what I'm told at least)

    How does damage compare to a mage or fighter subclass? Depends on the class. I've yet to group with a Wizard, but I'm sure they can bring plenty of pain to bear with their spells. Fighters seem to do more consistant damage than scout classes, but less overall. Bottom line, if you want things dead in a hurry, get a scout subclass.
  2. ARCHIVED-Oxulatlan Guest

    Blah, this was meant as a reply to this thread

    Sorry bout that. =/