shattered dawn

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Big G, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Big G Member

    I have been here from the beginning, I have 31 toons. I have the PAL doing Extinguish the corrupted light. I have been at it for more that 6 hrs. I got to the Lord and his group. I tried him and it would reset. I tried Him and all his group, I hit and Hit but they never went below 99%. This is not solo like this. This quest is just to long to keep on fighting. You have to kill all on this level to get all you need to kill. I am done with this quest line. If the game is going to keep going this level I will just find something else to play that I can do solo.
    Pixistik and chattie like this.
  2. vlada Active Member

    I suspect you are doing something wrong on this does not take 6 hours.