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Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Windstalker, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Aran Anar Active Member

    Here is all my tops i can think of i will edit this post a lot and one day ill copy it into a Note Book and sell on broker on Antonia Bayle server. Started playing Ever Quest in 2004 . I have over 14 years experience .

    Ever quest 1 and Ever quest 2 become much more fun to play if you know the /commands . Old / commands from eq1 work with eq2 . I was so lost in eq1 back in 2006 but then i study the > / < /commands .

    /wave /sitchair /sleep /run /cute mode /cute mode 2 ( if a/command not work then try a space betwwen words OR no space between words might fix it. Not sure if it is /cutemode or /cute mode . To turn off something like Cute Mode simply type the /command a 2nd time and it turn off. That works with a lot of things in eq1 and 2

    there are lots of /commands here is the link :


    1) Simply press the / button on keyboard first no need to press enter and you can start typing like press / then type group so it looks like /group then space bar then type chat into group or guild or say or tell. A faster way .

    2) Learn how to make your own custom hotkeys. EQ2 hot keys are on the Emotes window so click on EQII button in game bottom left corner then find emotes click there then click on the tabs on that window and find how to make your own hot key. Type in what you want it to do choose a picture for your hot key and float it over to your tool bar.

    Can do like /2 Need More to join guild. If chat channel 2 for you is general chat ( or type in which number general chat is for you when make hot key ) then you click your hot key and it type for you in general chat " Need More to join guild " Also there is ways to custom make hot keys for combat like if you want to have 2 combat arts or spells happen same time you can make it so you cast one then another after . Can have hot keys to turn off things and turn them on .

    Any /slash command can be used in a Custom Hotkey :)

    Anything you can think of really you can make your own hot key for it. Can be fun . /dance /wave /cheer /flirt all on one button . cast a spell and do /taunt emote for fun on a hot key. Can even put Delay between each command or action or spell . Used a lot for EQ1 for Healing on raids in a Heal rotation where you click button and game "waits" for a time you typed into hot key and then later cast like Cleric Complete Heal .

    Custom Hot Keys or " Macros " a Ever quest game word can make you a much more organized and much better player in eq1 and eq2 mostly when you group or raid.


    3) Have to hold down Ctrl button keyboard to move platinum gold silver copper from your character screen. Kind of buggy have to hold down Ctrl first then move mouse over the say like platinum then Left click AND Move the mouse pointer across the small tiny picture of the platinum on character screen. Then small window opens asks how much platinum you want to move. Money it is on your mouse pointer and you have to click the platinum picture in your bank to put in bank .

    Did that make sense? Have to try it and get it to work for you to learn how very strange they need to fix that.

  2. Aran Anar Active Member

    No fun :( time limit to edit your post 35 min has expired. I have a lot more ideas ill post here later but I was thinking of a few good ones and then forgot :confused:

    4) O yea try F10 in everquest 2 press that button on keyboard a few times and you can change it show all game windows are gone and you can move around, Great for screen shots .

    Use F10 to make all windows show then you can move say where your target window is or how big your mini map is. Can right click any game window get Window Options click there and make changes to windows change size of window move mouse pointer close to window edge and left click edge of window drag to make bigger or smaller or mouse on a window and left click to drag window around and move where the windows are .

    When your all done simply press F10 again and you can play game with your game windows set how you like :D
    Soara2 likes this.
  3. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    My main advice is to find a good friend or friends or a good guild that fits you as well as you fit them. This game is so much more fun with friends!
    Edelphia, Twyla, Melt and 2 others like this.
  4. Aran Anar Active Member

    i agree meneltel i play at library try to voice chat have to be quiet in library . One day ill get my own computer and internet at home then i can voice chat and should be able to have more friends in game and be able to follow a expansion much better . Well i can listen with headphones but not talk i get the libraryn SSSSSssssssshhhhh me .

    I guess for playing at college library from 2012 to know and missing like 15 days a.month i did pretty good in eq2 . I made my own guild got it to level 123 hard to keep up to travel try find comouter i can use install the game fix all settings AND be a guild leader And Try to make tbe guild Fun so players stay in guild . Some days not so easy where they all go .

    My Tip or Idea : If you are guild leader or officer really make shure you Talk with your guild members try to have a Voice Chat with your guild members at least 1 or 2 times for each member. EQ2 has built in voice chat to hear your eq2 friends voice and not type or read words really can help both people feel like they know who there friend is better or guild friend .

    Reading chat very much no personal idea of who you speak with. If you get along good in voice chat then be good friends playing the game in groups together or even Decorate a home .

    Thank you Soara like my post. nice name and has " a r a " alot like my guild theme for my guild Aranara . I can type that maybe she or he read it and nice . Or not ever read it words go by fast in grneral chat in game.

    Well we got eq2 built in voice chat and we have discord voice and chat. My TIP Please remember to try to use as can really helps even if you simply listen no micro phone or if guild member listen to you .

    Best Tip Ever !!!! : Clean out your in game mail box in eq2 and check mail every day you play and remember to send new guild member a nice welcome to guild Mail .

    I try everything be nice guild leader me have taken alot of break from game. I want one player of each class type to join my guild i know really must wait till i get my own computer to be able to play when i want and help guild members .

    Hope my tips help and if i ever put books on broker i would only charge 4 silver so anyone can have one if my books and that migbt help.

    have fun if it is fun it is nice normal and good - Arnar Anran on Antonia bayle server
    Twyla, Feara and Soara2 like this.
  5. Uganda Knuckles Member

    try /cutemode bristlebane and u get bristlebane head rofl press /exit cutemode to leave. if dont work immediate redo it.
    Soara2 likes this.
  6. Santaclawz New Member

    My tip if a new or returning player is do the full timeline quests in the new zones for awesome collection loot to get a boost to stats to make it easier to get heroic ready.
    Twyla likes this.
  7. Fatyl New Member

    I highly recommend EQ2 maps. Its a download from https://maps.eq2interface.com/
    Aggy and Rosyposy like this.
  8. Shadowethrone New Member

    If you want to train your body while waiting for a raid or dungeon, and burn a few extra calories, do some burpees excercises. For one must maintain a healthy body :p
  9. Rehv New Member

    Thank you! I did not know this and it saves so much time! ♥
  10. witchy77 Member

    Wow so many great tips.thank you to everyone for taking the time to post these
    Pikachuuu likes this.
  11. magicbob New Member

    Something interesting I discovered was that if you are mounted you can for instance gallop off a dock into the water - the mount graphic disappears but you are still moving at mount speed over/thru the water. This greatly increases swim speed. Not sure if this is a bug or intended (doubt it) but works pretty great.
    Breanna likes this.
  12. Smackbottom Member

    I am a new beast lord (well one year, but still know nothing) and was confused by what you said. Why would I not want to kill the mob? Did you mean Warder abilities? And how does Adrenal flow bug out (heck, what even is Adrenal Flow?).
    When I search adrenal flow it talks about Bloodrage which can cast adrenal flow but doesn’t explain what adrenal flow actually is.
    Hope I am not being a bother about this, it’s just that so much helpful information is just not available.
  13. Krednok Member

    1. Macros
    EQ2's extensive macro system. Woah, I can play my Berserker like a beast now and my screen is really cleaned up. Experiment with them.
    These dudes learned me up good on the Macros, lol
    --> -->
    2. Bio ( Character Sheet ) o_O
    I use it wrong maybe... but in my bio I'll state if I'm using an alternate model on this character and my account is free to play so I have some restrictions. I'm cool with dueling and whatever I think of at the time. I point this out because it would be cool if more people would use this feature because it helps to see what someone was trying to look like or if they have time to group today. Keeps the social aspect going and it can give others insight into your individual playstyle.
    3. A suggestion for EQ2 to help players meet up in game. :rolleyes:
    Maybe EQ2 could make a < Port to meet and greet spot > that anyone can utilize and know that the the place is made to social interact with eachother and pair up for quests and adventures. Just a thought.
    Twyla and Feara like this.
  14. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    All DPS on One Button?
    Loading all your similar types spells/combat arts (I'm just gonna call them spells) in one macro is not necessarily the best way to handle things. Some spells have a much higher spell efficiency than others, and you want to use those first, and reuse them again as soon as they come back up.

    Some spells actually you may not even want on your hotkeys because they are so slow and do so little damage.

    Some spells will either (1) buff you and/or your group or (2) debuff your enemies. You will want to cycle in some buffs regularly as you fight. If one of your damage spell debuffs a monster to, say Elemental damage, then you might want to be sure you use it before you cast one or more spells that deal elemental damage.

    I calculate spell efficiency using my Knowledge Book, my toon's stats, and an Excel spreadsheet. I have a sample sheet you can grab from my Dropbox if you'd like to try this. To use the spreadsheet, you open it in Excel, Google Sheets, or whatever Open Office's equivalent is. You fill in the stuff at the top from your toon's stats: don't mess with anything in the yellow boxes, that's where the sheet will be doing calculations for you. Open each of your spells of combat arts one at a time from the Knowledge book, and replace the sample data in the sheet with the name of your spell, the damage numbers, and if it ticks, the min/max, duration, and frequency of ticks. Once it's all filled in, select rows 7 through the last row that has data, then sort on Column L (Spell Efficiency) on descending order (Z to A, it may say depending on what software you are using). That's your cast order. This can make a HUGE difference in your overall DPS.

    So, "cleaning up your screen" isn't the end-all or be-all. I'm not saying you can't macro some spells together (I do like to put one or maybe two instant or very fast-casting buffs/debuffs in with my damage spells, for instance). But do it with a little thought, is all!

    Some Really Useful Macros
    There are some really useful things you can do with macros. For instance, cures and emergency heals can benefit greatly by putting them into a macro with the command: /cancel_spellcast

    That way if you are in the middle of casting another spell and you need to cure someone RIGHT NOW, it cancels the slow-casting thing and does the cure immediately. Some people add /clearallqueuedabilities in there also.


    Some classes have specific macros they use that are specific to their class. For a conjuror or necro, if someone has sent you a tell asking for a Shard or heart, you can use
    • /useabilityonplayer %rt Shard of Essence
    • /useabilityonplayer %rt Dark Heart

    What Other Cool Things Can I Do With Macros?
    Check out the Slash Commands guide on the wiki!
    Twyla and Feara like this.
  15. Krednok Member

    Completely agree. All DPS on one button is a terrible idea lol. Single target dps on [1] AOE on [2] agro-shouts on [3] and so on. And if you're like me and don't really care about every detail and it works... go for it, lol. Basicly, if there is too much detail, I and some others might default to not caring at all and just want to play. Experimenting with them is key to making it work well. But I will say I play everything the "wrong way" and end up liking it way better lol.
    Thank you very much for your response because that will help others who do focus on those details. :D
    Feara likes this.
  16. Dude Well-Known Member

    You responded to a post from 2013, which was posted by a person who's last activity was November 1,2017. It's highly unlikely they're still around to answer.
  17. Crys New Member

    With a new expansion on the horizon, and people (like me) coming back after a long time away, is there advice somewhere for what to do to now in preparation? I read through a lot of bits of information spread across various posts but nothing seems geared towards what are the current essentials, the nice to have's and quality of life things to work on. There are some really detailed posts answering this for the current expansion but I'm guessing a lot of it is likely obsolete now...?

    I have caught up on the pandas got my levels and geared up with panda and mastercrafted equipment with lockerbox adornments for the gaps (not sure I picked the right ones) and I'm starting the ROR signature as I believe I need this to get my new spell and I go through shattered unrest but the potency on drops is considerably less than the mastercrafted I experiments on, so I haven't been using the items so far apart form a couple of items, not sure if this is wise..?

    I started on a new server and only solo right now as I don't feel I would be very useful i an group until I find my feet and play at odd times so that option might be limited. I have played casters a lot and experimented to learn about changes, so I feel comfortable with my abilities and looked into AA builds being used. It's more around questlines to do to get nice things that will still be useful.

    It may be too early to ask, but thank you for reading and please be gentle. Coming back is a big step for me.
    Thalador likes this.
  18. Mamitan New Member

    Question / Now Lv31 Provisioner
    Nothing happens when I click on the blue feather NPC in Rush Order.Daily Adornment/TinkNPC works,
    Why can't I start a rush order?
  19. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    This probably isn't the best place for this question, but some basics include making sure you are close enough to the crafting table, making sure you have the correct crafting table (the workbench, for tinkering and adorning), make sure you have the correct recipe selected, and be sure you have the right components (you may need to unpack what the NPC gave you).
  20. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    Mamitan - if you still can't get a rush order after Tuesday's patch please follow link below to bug forum and add your server and character name that this is happening to.

    Twyla likes this.