SF Wish List

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Adoninilol, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Holy ****. And all u have to do is complete the HQ? O_O
  2. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    you know we're going to get a lump of coal...

    i'll add, gear aka patterns that we don't have to do a song and dance for and maybe, just maybe get for channelers and beast lords.
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    Yeah man, 15 mins to an hour solo play invested! Hard Work!
  4. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    DBG have a bad sense of balance or what to call it. The idea is good, I like it, if the stuff was around T1 heroic quality. I want to find the best stuff in the hardest dungeons, progression is important.
  5. Atan Well-Known Member

    The idea was to give a carrot for live people to play here when otherwise they would not. Worked to some degree
  6. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    My biggest concern at this point is itemization. It's not good in TSO, I've only been here for a few weeks now but the drops other then in WoE isn't interesting at all. I FINALLY found a grp who wanted to do some Guk stuff yesterday while normally ppl don't want to go there because the drops aren't even better then what u get at shard merchants.
  7. Hydraulics Member

    Hopefully with the additional time the expansion will be itemized on release and not four weeks after the fact. I’m hopeful that is the case but I’m fairly certain most of their attention will be updating and bug fixing live. Itemization reached a pretty good spot in TSO.

    It is somewhat unrelated to the original point of this thread but there are some very good items in guk3 (rolling pin, reuse charm, several weapons). Many people are just intimidated by the last boss.
  8. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    Copy paste gear sucks ***. Who would have known. :eek:
  9. kitleez Member

    itemization #1 imo
    btw necros are t1 tbh
  10. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Yes itemization should be priority.

    And no, necros are not t1's. I haven't seen a single necro come within 40% of our assassin/warlock/wizard. Please post a parse and prove me wrong.

    I could care less about lifeburnburn because of the buff requirement and zonewide damage it does, 30 second parses don't matter period in any situation.
  11. kitleez Member

    With similar buffs/groups if your necro isn't top 3 then that is an issue with the necro. It is so dependent now on p2w stuff i can see a decked out ***/war/wiz beating a necro hard but not if they had equal stuff. I will send you my parses but i get UT/fury so my group is necro made. WTB bolster
  12. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    There is never a situation in this game where UT isn't better on a warlock, it's also better on a wizard than a necro. So your parses will already be inflated and buffs aren't going to the right places, sorry.

    I don't even have full grandmasters, level 10 familiar, new pay to win mount and I am absolutely crushing other players on other raid guilds who have these items. When you start reaching 350+ potency in raids the familiar really just stops mattering.

    A lot of who wins between the wizard/assassin/warlock is luck based on when the damage reactive crit debuff/port/random reactive effect here kicks in, wether the utility decides to pre cast jcap/confront fear so one of us doesn't start without it, and the range of spells. We have tried running a necro since EoF, even with animal form/bolster/necro hp buff, the only fights they were winning were the ones where lifeburn was 90% of their parse, and these were sub 30 second fights.

    Anything that had any challenge and required recurring damage over long periods of time they quickly fell down to the status of enchanters, and rogues.
  13. kitleez Member

  14. kitleez Member

    edit wasnt working, but i think the only way to solve this argument is to have a good necro in your raid with buffs
  15. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    No need, I can easily see that soulrot/bloodcoil alone parse less than plaguebringer so why would I ever buff that class?
  16. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    Make Heroic gear relevant. Tune heroic content so its not too easy and not too hard.

    Make Heritage Quest worth doing by making the gear useful (tad lower than raid gear).

    Make normal raids easy for the casual audience and make hardmode actual hard for the raiding guilds so they have stuff to do in week 8.

    Disable Inheritance Merchant level 90 gear until we are in DoV. Level 100 gear when we reach Terrors of Thalumbra (If we ever do)

    New hunters union currency for heroic dungeons that is RANDOM SF zones and not 4 of the same every... single...day.

    Enable Legendary Crits. I know this was added in AoM instead of Crit Avoidance. But we have had 100% Crit for almost 1½ expansion now and its only gonna get worse. We gonna end up with 250%+ before AoM which makes little sense.

    Thats the 5 things in my eyes that will make this server survive Sentinel's Fate and it wont die like Stormhold did. If only a dev could pop in and say yes, we will give you that so we can move along and think about just enjoying the game.
    Tharrakor likes this.
  17. kitleez Member

    yeah having the hunters quest rotate would be a big plus I agree.