Serious DEFAULT UI problem!!! Please Help!

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Shalka, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. Shalka New Member

    So I am not dubling up my hotbars or anything like that. but when i log in after i log out... its like my hotbars arent saving.. they are doubleing up and they are putin x2 of the hotbars on top of each other with all the same keys.. after i close out of them all do a normal /camp or zone a bunch as soon as i reload eq it does it over and over again.. any help would be great.. ive tryed clearing one of the dubble up hot bars but it clears both... the size resets to huge on some of the hotbars i have no idea what to do
  2. Shalka New Member

    ***Update Deleting the halls of fate ui settings from the main folder has worked! hope this helps people who might be experiencing the same problems i had.***