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Secret Duck Level

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Loran, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Kander Developer

    I said "Cool".
  2. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Kander's Barbar shop.

    Loot = Wig.
    Xillean, Terrius and HaphazardAllure like this.
  3. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    The Minotaur level? *giggles at the Diablo reference as I slip into the shadows*
  4. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    Cats are cool
  5. Rondo9 Active Member

    I wonder if I can break my record of more then 4 in a row this expac.
  6. Cheesenabber Active Member

    Ah-ha! the burned woods!
    Prissetta likes this.
  7. Toxify Member

    So there's another version of duck level in the expansion?
    I sure hope it doesn't contain a best in slot item again.
    Azeren likes this.
  8. Ashandra Well-Known Member

  9. Ellimist Active Member

  10. Toxify Member

    It's BIS unless you are in a top tier raid guild. There isn't even a heroic or t1-t2 raid helm that's even close.
    I think putting something this good in a lottery system like this is complete nonsense.
    I tried for months and months to get it, only to hear about someone else getting the portal for the 3-4-5th time.
    semisus and DoomDrake like this.
  11. Kander Developer

    I said "cool".
  12. Kander Developer

    Probably not.
  13. semisus Does not play this game

    Honestly i wouldent mind if they limit it on how many times you can get it pr account.
    captainbeatty451 and Toxify like this.
  14. Ellimist Active Member

    But thats the point of BIS. You need to beat the hardest content to get it. So saying you need to be a top tier raid guild kinda makes sense.

    It was relatively easy to get but kinda laborious finding the right mob to kill. Still I managed to do it. I think it was a little out there for what it is. I did get frustrated. What would be nice is a little bit more predictability for people. I.E. zone time is set to when the last pop of the portal is rather then when a person exits the zone.

    Personally having an item like this for the solo players like me is nice once in a while. Normally I just run around in whatever the best items I can come up with are and it turns out that they aren't too shabby anyway.

    Also its not a lottery. You can get it just by working at it and beating anyone else going for it. Its just its a race between you and all the other people in zone who want it at the same time. Ask on the server to get the time people are leaving the zone then be back on in 12hrs hunting it. You will get it eventually. Took me 3 weeks.

    If you limit per account I would hope you select the reward and its heirloom. I don't mind once per account but I want the reward for my main. Would hate to have it on an alt and be locked to that.
  15. Toxify Member

    I don't understand the purpose of this sentence.
    All I'm saying is there should be an "in between" hat in the x2, or at least a heroic helm to be equal or close.
    Congratulations. We're not all as lucky as you.

    Lottery: "a process or thing whose success or outcome is governed by chance."
    A random player killing random mobs at unconfirmed, suspected times of the day or night is selected to get a portal. That can be defined as chance, a.k.a. a lottery.

    Race: "a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course."
    I'm pretty sure this is not a race. There is no start or finish line that I'm aware of.
    Ashandra and DoomDrake like this.
  16. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    a) it is a lottery - even if you know exact time you are spinning the wheel to get random chance during slaughter (mass slaughter) easy killable solo mobs in single zone spawn portal - its not a race by any mean
    b) at the beginning of x-pack 3% Fervor was most certainly BiS and I also happens to think its plain wrong have BiS item on lottery instead of result of progression (like signature ring or ring of pure terror or psionists helm or mashroom ring) under same category at the beginning of x-pack was falling mythical ranged weapon (by my count is was about 1% chance to get umbrite key - with large stacks up to 2% and it was about 10-15% chance to get mythical range out umbrite keys - hence to more or less guaranty "win" lottery you need to have at very least 1000 keys (in reality more like 700)
    c) under same lottery falls the only and godly item of this x-pack "The Hammer" :) - drop rate from Kyrus the old ways is beyond horrible - I was killing this darn mob every week from January all way to July so drop rate less then 3%
    Toxify likes this.
  17. Svenone Well-Known Member

    A Ratonga level! Ummm, nah, that would be beyond merely "cool".
  18. Crastinal Active Member

    SLUGS! Slugs slug slug slug slugs.
  19. semisus Does not play this game

    so is there a new hidden zone this time around? ive spent alot of time in Obulus Frontier but have heard any messages like the ones from TOT
  20. Rargo Active Member

    How about the duck portal Helm for the 13th year anniv reward. Wouldn't cost them a thing to do this.
    Wimble likes this.