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Secret Duck Level

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Loran, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Amaitae Active Member

    all your theories have been very entertaining so far, keep going.
    Zythus likes this.
  2. Anunnaki Active Member

    I find it funny that people still doubt that its on a 12 hour timer despite the overwhelming evidence that it is.
  3. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Hope always die last ....
  4. Dajjal New Member

    I agree that it is on a 12 hour timer, but I have also seen for a fact that it has spawned multiple times in less than 12 hours so I am giving possible reasons as to why that may occur. All of them involve the actual timer never being set. And this is to the guy who says all your theories are very entertaining.
  5. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Could it be few duck zones spawned for different people and each one on 12 hours timer. The fact that a duck zone is on 12 hours is true. It was confirmed by my guildies.
  6. Amaitae Active Member

    Length and focus of this thread alone on this particular portal event should give much input for the developers to even more similar and more creative events yielding further entertaining theory threads.
  7. Skpamd Active Member

    I hope someone will help me out with a few answers about this rare zone. Where does the zone spawn? Is it random or every 12 hours? Is it solo? When it spawns can only one person enter and then it locks or is it available for everyone for a certain amount of time? My guildie and I sat today for 4 hours killing frogs waiting for it to spawn but no luck so any help would be appreciated.
  8. Dajjal New Member

    Only spawns in Thalumbra, prolly obvious but wanted to make sure you knew. Spawns randomly off of any mobs in the zone, it spawns only for the person that killed the mob that popped the portal. Only they can enter and they cannot use a merc, you get a buff that increases your stats and hp to insane amounts. Wait for your health to come up to full before you start killing. If you zone out or evac, thats it, you are done, you get booted from the zone and have to try to get it to spawn for you again.

    From the time it spawns assuming the person that spawned it knew and actually entered it, it cannot spawn again for 12 hours. The portal to enter stays up for 5 minutes before vanishing.

    Here is the trigger again, pretty sure it was posted at the beginning of the thread but just in case you missed it:

    <Trigger R="In a burst of feathers, a portal appears!" SD="DUCK PORTAL DUCK PORTAL DUCK PORTAL" ST="3" CR="F" C="Thalumbra Duck Portal" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    Thanks to Zues for the trigger.*
  9. nooooooo Member

    I use:

    <Trigger R="\#FF6600In a burst of feathers, a portal appears!" SD="DUCK PORTAL DUCK PORTAL DUCK PORTAL" ST="3" CR="F" C="Thalumbra Duck Portal" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    Which includes the color codes because we have idiots that like to type it in chat. Only the real one will set this off.
    Terrius likes this.
  10. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if there is no specific timer or mechanic to have it spawn for you, why are certain guilds be able to have it under lock-down. I noticed that one guild on my server (Valor) had the portal under lock down for themselves the last days and weeks.
  11. Erudinel Conceptualized a turd in a toilet sometime in 2005

    You cant "lock" it down. You can however make yourself knowledgeable of when "it can spawn" based on the 12 hour timer (It is based on when someone zones into the portal, I can confirm this with 20+ successful portals within my guild). I imagine that guild is doing what my guild did and shared the spawn timer with each other and then went out at the same time to farm for it to increase "our" chance of getting the portal. But its sort of like buying a power ball ticket. It's not as though your chances go up exponentially by having more tickets.
    Terrius likes this.
  12. Terrius Well-Known Member

    It most certainly has a 12 hour base timer. I do find it frustrating that some days it spawns within minutes and others it takes 3-4 hours. Perhaps there is an unknown variable? Is it possible that the zone's 12 hour timer starts from the moment a mob is killed in the zone (kind of like every other instance in the game)?

    That being said, I've had 9 duck zones so far... So I really can't complain and neither can my alts!
  13. nooooooo Member

    I'm noticing it's about every 6 hours now.
  14. Leafsway New Member

    Is the timer server-wide or per instance of Thulambra?
  15. Ellimist Active Member

    So I started chasing this zone. I've read the last 13 pages. Did anyone work out what happens on patch tuesday with the timer?

    Also the 12 hour timer seems accurate but its hard to tell with not knowing when people come out of the zone as there are too many anon players.
  16. Raff Well-Known Member

    Its easy to miss. Especially if you are running your graphics low. It can spawn anywhere. I may have missed it before. Now I run my graphics as high as I can when trying to get it to pop. ...which for me means about 23fps.

    We've had guildies spawn it killing mobs of insect larva (forget what they are called) just outside the Maldura city walls. I finally spawned it killing toads and such along the riverbank in Zou'delis (sp).
  17. Anaogi Well-Known Member

    It seems to turn up on Skyfire around 5-7pm Central US Time or so. Presumably 5-7am as well given the established timer.

    Almost missed it when it spawned for my 'zerker doing quest kills...

    For the record, I hope things like this remain a tradition for expansions going forward. A fun optional thing with a cool reward and a puzzle for the players to chew on!
    Prissetta and Raff like this.
  18. semisus Does not play this game

    i almost missed mine as well , i was killing mobs and saw someone in ooc saying congrats so i turned around and there was portal :D
  19. Kander Developer

    If you think the duck level was cool, just wait until you see... nm.
  20. semisus Does not play this game

    toad level?