Ry'gorr Armor

Discussion in 'Testers Only' started by ARCHIVED-Skeez1e, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Skeez1e Guest

    With the patch notes tonight making shards not a requirement for the armor it's going to be a very big change for people - on live servers particularly - gems will be able to be bought on the broker and armor made without the need to run the instances.
    Test is a long way from seeing the gems on the broker. Saying that; I do have quite a number of extra gems - I'm not going to broker them but if anyone wants (for their main only at this point) any please, drop me an email or shoot me a tell. I won't part with any rubies or diamonds <as if I had any extra diamonds that is!> but all of my, and my partners, main toons have the armor already and we're definitely willing to share the extra gems we have.
    The gems do make some darn spiffy armor - it'll make life a lot easier for soloers, duoers or anyone else for that matter.