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{Rewind}...AB's only Low LvL Progression Guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by mothelm, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. mothelm Active Member

    ::::::::::New Friends Reliving Old Adventures!::::::::::

    Rewind is a Progression Guild on Antonia Bayle Formed on 12/15/18 with the Goal of reliving the old Content without all the rules of the Progression Servers. While we do have a few rules the main goal is to be a fun and welcoming atmosphere to explore, raid, and generally have a good time.

    If you would like to join and Come along for the reliving of the history of Everquest 2 starting with the Original Game release and Moving Forward threw to Today, We welcome you to Contact me (Eixx) or any member online to help get you started.

    Thank You
    Eixx....Leader {Rewind}

    P.S. I am unable to change thread title ...but since post another Progression guild has formed on AB......
  2. mothelm Active Member

  3. mothelm Active Member

    bumpity .....:D
  4. Jokis New Member

    I love this idea! How is the team so far?
    Feara likes this.
  5. mothelm Active Member

    things are going very well ...so please come on board contact any member in game and well help you get set up i should be around later tonight ....around 7-8pm est ...toon name is Eixx
  6. Jokis New Member

    I would like to get a progression guild going on the Maj'Dul server. Any advice?
  7. Loresinger Active Member

    Someone recently tried, around the same time Rewind got going, and it looks like it didn't really go very far. Not enough interest? People from other servers will often roll a new alt on a different server for a progression guild (I know we have a few with mains on Maj'Dul, and perhaps other servers, who are currently raiding with Rewind). So it can be difficult to split the population interested in progression raiding, especially if both guilds would be around similar level content.
  8. mothelm Active Member

    ok well i have to say preparation is key....also don't be in big hurry .....start at least 30 days prior to the date you intend to create guild with forum post, timing is also important here go for a holiday week for guild creation and if possible near the end or beginning of a new expansion on TLE ...here, Reddit anywhere you can think of, remember to check them often and reply to posts or messages ...also at this time begin a casual shout on the server you intend to build on Avoid spamming shouts and cross server recruiting ....Discord was very helpful you can open a server there for member to begin Talking and questing even before guild is built. Have a charter ready to lay out guild progression goals DKP system, officer structure, equipment rules, etc....

    Eixx... Leader of Rewind..Sometimes Cook and master of Turf Grass o_O
    Feara likes this.
  9. mothelm Active Member

    A little Tap.....:cool:
  10. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I have directed quite a few returners your way Eixx.
    Feara and ConcealFate like this.
  11. WreckIT New Member

    What time and days are you guys raiding? Which expansion are you on now? What classes are you looking for?
  12. Loresinger Active Member

    We are currently raiding on Sunday, forming up at 8:30pm est and raid beginning at 9:00pm est, as well as on Thursday, meeting up at 8:00pm est, raid beginning at 8:30pm est.

    We are just finishing up shattered lands, and currently it looks like we'll be moving on to Desert of Flames sometime next week-ish. We could use more scout DPS, another enchanter, or a shaman.
    ConcealFate likes this.
  13. mothelm Active Member

    Thank you Cyrrena ....the memberships grows nicely =-) .....
    Feara, ConcealFate and Breanna like this.
  14. mothelm Active Member

    Bump with Update Desert of Flames is now Open....Come Join us in Mummy Stomping ....:D
    ConcealFate likes this.
  15. mothelm Active Member

  16. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    still time for you to roll an alt and get your butt in the guild too Cy! :p
  17. mothelm Active Member

  18. mothelm Active Member

  19. mothelm Active Member

    push it!.....:p
  20. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    You didn't actually tell me you put someone in there!!!! I do have one that is an unguilded level 3.
    ConcealFate likes this.