Returning 90 Monk, way out of touch

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Quietas, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Quietas Guest

    Too make it short and sweet, I spent a year and a bit doing RL again.
    I see monks finally got some loving, could someone summarize where we stand and the changes?
  2. ARCHIVED-Polynikes Guest

    We have gone from a decent dps and emergency tank to a great dps and good tank, then to a great tank and decent/good dps. Not sure when you left but that about sums up our progression.
    Currently we are a very strong tank with decent dps compared to actual dps classes. But not enough dps to really fill that role in a raid anymore.
    Hope that helps, welcome back.
  3. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Dorieon@Guk wrote:
    I hate when people say we can't fill a non tanking role in raids it simply isn't true.
    Monks can fill a non tanking role in a raid due to combat mastery/utility. But of course if you can learn to tank effectively (which all monk should try to do) then you bring even more to your raid.
  4. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Currently, brawlers are very strong tanks. We've always been on par with plate tanks in terms of the raw amount of damage taken, but used to be extremely susceptible to sudden damage spikes that could one- or two-shot us. The combination of increased hp pools and our beautiful death save have drastically decreased the chances of sudden death, leaving us on an equal playing field with plate tanks. Current content emphasizes single-target tanking, so while many other tanks are still significantly better as AE tanks this rarely counts against us. A handful of guilds are using monk main tanks now, and I for one have been thoroughly enjoying that role. We certainly don't make up anywhere near 1/6th of main tanks yet, but things are trending our direction.
  5. ARCHIVED-Quietas Guest

    Hurray, we Monks finally got some love from Sony. It might be fun again.
  6. ARCHIVED-Polynikes Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    I agree, and I could get away with filling a dps/utility role if I wanted but alot can't.
    Filling a non-tanking role with a combination of dps and utility isn't the same as filling a pure dps slot which is what I was saying. There is so much that a well played brawler can bring to a raid, but I was specifically referencing straight up dps output vs a true dps class.
    The reason I went there is because it seems that half of the brawler class still tries to play as just dps. The type that chose CM because it increased their dps, not because its better for the raid or group.
  7. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Dorieon@Guk wrote:
    ehhhhhh...I don't know. I think monks are in a place right now where we are worth having around as a third tank even if we're not tanking all that frequently, but I still think that if we aren't tanking, we're not fulfilling our potential.
  8. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    I haven't seen an only dpsing monk in a while TBH.
  9. ARCHIVED-Polynikes Guest

    Sorry if I misunderstood.
    It seemed like you were saying I was saying monks could only tank and that I was downplaying the dps/utility part of our role. I wasn't and it seems you weren't either.
    A third tank in a raid is also different than what i was saying. And btw I only brought up because Bchizzle said something about people not seeing us in the dps/utility role. What I took him as saying was a pure dps/utility role (which is what i was referring to in the post he responded to) .
    We are all saying the same thing but at different levels of awake/drunkeness I think.
    Monks are a great tank with good dps.