Research reduction

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Bentenn, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    So should extend this a week during the time you're disabling UI's and should make a guaranteed from the weeklies at least. The RNG thing is so old and annoying when I watch guildies and I run the same amount of zones each night.. all the solos and usually coin runs... and they get double sometimes triple the amount that I've gotten...just so old.. great concept and novel idea.. just think it needs to be guaranteed on weeklies at least...know its coming to an end, but maybe next time you can add a little more thought into the item into game for RNG.. RNG is one of the reason's we've gotten rid of the class gear, smart loot, etc.. An extension would be cool though ;)
  2. Sious Member

    i know it's nagging but i agree with this, some guildies got like 40+ and lvl'ed out multiple assencions.
    I think i got 6 in total. i will survive ofcourse but when it happens after the next coin run and i got nothing while we had 7-8 drops it gets old and gives me a "bla" feeling.
    5 seconds later it's all good again and "it'll be fine" but during those 5 seconds i wrote this ;p

    ps: i have to say that it seems that the older the account is the less luck you get with RNG :(
  3. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I too only got two while others got a ton more. I hate random events when the RNG is so skewed for so many.
    Juraiya, Svenone and Siren like this.
  4. Rarkevan Active Member

    RNG sucks!! I got 5 in a whole week and 50 hours of playing :(
  5. Katzandra Well-Known Member

    I kinda of hate paying for the content and membership fees to "gamble" but gambling seems to keep expanding under DBs management.

    Sadly gambling is addictive. And of course they give us the option to buy our way past the gambling.......sigh.
    Juraiya, Rhodris and Siren like this.
  6. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Even better.. was hoping to get a few solos in this morning but the update is still down.. estimated "2 hours" lol.. 2.5 and counting..guess this last 5 hours for potions is a no go.. especially since i'm off to work lol.. no need to log in for a week now for sure...
  7. olleran Active Member

    I just want to thank all concerned for putting this event in game for us.

    It really helped to give more incentive to run zones again as the novelty of ethereal coinage had died a long time ago
    parissa likes this.
  8. Arcos Active Member

    I like the event but why not have the research drops in game permanently? Rare enough that won't make a huge difference but for those of us running multiple alts just gives a little extra incentive to keep coming back.
    parissa likes this.
  9. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    If ever there was a thing that would promote me running under utilized / old / solo / etc zones - its these little potions right there.

    Here's to hoping they're offered frequently (or permanently) to the loot tables for special events...

    Granted, I didn't get as many as I would have liked to - but the thrill of the chase was more funnerer than the coin grind for the ethereal event!
    parissa and Breanna like this.
  10. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    Don't forget, the drops have been extended to 12 Noon PST tomorrow due to the extended downtime.
    parissa, Zeddicious and Breanna like this.
  11. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    as much as this is appreciated.. it doesn't change the fact that RNG was/is horrible way to have implemented this.. literally another 12 zones tonight with 1 reduction, while guildie ran 2 toons through and both toons got 6 and 7 respectively in 12 zones... /baffled..whatever at this point... out for the week until UI's get turned back on.. enjoy all
  12. Svenone Well-Known Member

    The research reducers are not a new thing. They used to drop fairly frequently during the Skyshrine expansion (don't recall the actual name of that expansion, sorry). I was very sad when they were removed. Guess it was cutting in the cash shop sales too much.
  13. Gaptia Active Member

    So what is the bonus after research spell reduction ?
  14. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Again.. RNG from quests in Skyshrine.. and my RNG wasn't that great and still isn't that great lol..thats just the fact of RNG.
  15. Corran Member

    to be honest the reducers are also great in generating SC sales because a player gets a 20 day reducer .. has 6 days left so rather than losing 14 days lots of people just buy the 6 days with station cash and use the full 20 on the next spell ..

    lets bring them back in for a week pleeeeeease dreamweaver :p
    Bludd likes this.
  16. Raff Well-Known Member

    That is a great idea. Make them Heirloom. Characters must within 10 levels of the dungeon to acquire. Or chrono'd?

    Then salt these rascals all through the older dungeons / content.
    Breanna likes this.