Fixed Internally Renewal Rune: Vampiric Requiem

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Priority, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. Priority Well-Known Member

    Adorn drops mid combat for no apparent reason. No death, evac, disengagement, etc. Doesn't drop out of combat. Pretty odd.
    Sunlei, Beee, Daxdd and 19 others like this.
  2. Priority Well-Known Member

    Yook the new Bounce Back adorn off last night. No change, still continues to drop randomly. However, it will stay up indefinitely if not fighting. Either something the enemies are doing drops it and nothing else OR it's a tank thing. Nobody else that has it in guild has to recast it except upon death.
    Sunlei and Twyla like this.
  3. Tyrval Active Member

    SK epic spell Unholy Stampede overwrites Vampiric Requiem. Just tested and confirmed.
    Sunlei, Keffin, Ganador and 7 others like this.
  4. Miragian Well-Known Member

    This has gotten to the point that it happens so often in the group I'm normally in that the SK has a macro on Unholy Stampede to remind me to recast Requiem.
    Sunlei and Aethos like this.
  5. Tyrval Active Member

    Also worth noting that -anything- mount related shuts it off. This includes the little pony ride you do inside Eye of Night too.
    Sunlei, Avarice and Aethos like this.
  6. Miragian Well-Known Member

    Thanks, good to know.
  7. Priority Well-Known Member

    Been getting reports it's also knocking off Field Medic. I stopped casting it at all about 3 weeks ago, so I can't confirm.
    Sunlei likes this.
  8. Rasheti Active Member

    Any possibility of this getting fixed soon? I'd like to be able to use both my epic and vampiric on my SK
    Priority, Drona and Aethos like this.
  9. Rasheti Active Member

    I learned today that Holy Stampede knocks off the new field medic runes in addition to vampiric, while Unholy Stampede only knocks of vampiric. I have no clue why they're different, but I was talking with a pally earlier and they confirmed that their epic knocks off both
    Anastaise and Priority like this.
  10. Priority Well-Known Member

    Why is this still broken and being ignored? Our epic abilities are literally unusable.
    Suidakra likes this.
  11. Dezum Member

    In Visions of Vetrovia you could activate the Vampiric Requiem adornment and then activate your mount to obtain whatever the percentage increase on the adornment is to your mount statistics (it also stacked with the existing mount buffs). The solution that was created was to cancel the adornment effect whenever you activate or disable your mount. This explains why clicking the riding mount in Eye of Night disables it. This also explains why it disables whenever you use the new epic ability on either Paladin or SK. So they didn't really fix the problem with the adornment; rather jerry-rigged it. They would have to actually fix whatever back end problem with the adornment & how it effects mount statistics for it to stop doing this.
    Rasheti and Priority like this.
  12. Priority Well-Known Member

    A fix would be fantastic. It's only been 3 months of not casting this so called "epic" spell because it nerfs our group to do so.
    Rasheti likes this.
  13. Suidakra Active Member

    at least they confirmed it?
  14. Priority Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, its been confirmed for months now. Seems to be a non priority (lol). I'm gonna keep bringing it up until I can cast that GD thing. Especially after the outrage from folks about how "OP" it was giving like 64k Pot.

    Lol at that in hindsight
    Rasheti likes this.
  15. Moss Well-Known Member

    The root of the problem is not that SK/Paladin could not cast their new epic ability, it is that it cancels Vampiric Requiem.

    So why canceling Vampiric Requiem (VR) is an BIG issue ? It is - we all must admit - because VR is currently broken, like the experimented crafted gear, as they increase almost all other runes and class abilities buffs, making it OP in a way. Like when it was increasing the mount buff.

    If they fix VR first - and the crafted gear - may be it would not be such a issue anymore, as VR will most probably be replaced by something else.

    But I also agree that the new epic spell of SK and Paladin SHOULD be fixed as we could be sure the problem will repeat itself with other abilites/red runes.

    Note: fixing the troubadour new epic ability buff to be aligned with the dirge would be great too, or just fixing the tooltip to show the real value.
  16. Rasheti Active Member

    Is there any plan to fix this for the upcoming GU? I'd like to actually be able to cast my epic without my group trying to kill me for turning off their vampirics and making everyone recast their buffs.
    Suidakra and Priority like this.
  17. Hennyo Member

    While, I shouldn't really say this, but in the entire games history when players asked for a bug such as this to be fixed, the eventual fix always included a nerf to the either the spell that was broken, or a nerf to the item that was interfering with it, that ended up with players being weaker than before the fix.

    Though it is completely understandable you would want a fix due to the ability currently being worthless in current gameplay. The most ideal fix would just be an entire rework of the ability from the ground up, and leaving VR completely untouched.
  18. Rasheti Active Member

    I think every crusader would be fine with that, and none of us want vampiric changed. The buff on both of our epics is pretty useless except for the 15%dr for the pally and the pretty negligible pot buff for the sk. I just want to cast it for the dps at this point.

    If we're talking about reworking the epics though I thought priority had a pretty interesting idea a while ago where the summon from the crusader epic would cast a mini mimic. It'd incentivize timing your abilities more and would improve as the player improved. While I'd rather the crusader epic be a meaningful buff, if it's a choice between having it be unusable, getting something else nerfed, or just turning it into a straight dps ability I'll take what I can get
  19. Beee Well-Known Member

    Any plans about this? VR is really a nice effect but very anoying with this bug.
    Yenk and Suidakra like this.
  20. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    90% of this game is annoying :p