remove the lobby please and fix matching

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Applo, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Applo Guest

    The lobby is annoying, still buggy and I want to go directly to my server after a match.
    Furthermore it would address to a certain degree the ridiculous premade issue that is killing bgs right now. Why it is that people across servers pregroup, all 80+ in stacked groups is beyond me. You think an NFL team would really enjoy playing a random high school team? It's just a bad joke that I can only imagine a pretty small minority of emotionally stunted individuals would enjoy. It's either a tactic for max token collection on the verge of exploit or it's just a sick bunch of rejects. Unfortunately for the rest of us it drives people away in droves and quickly.
    I understand grouping with a few friends or guildies, but that is not what is happening. I've ended up as the sixth wheel occasionally on random when they couldn't get a full group going and they don't say crap in voice or in group chat; rarely more than 2 are in the same guild. Yet they pregroup match after match after match. So the whole 'friends should be able to group together' or 'stop crying because you don't have friends' does not pass the smell test. I think if 4+ people pregroup they should only be able to land against another 4+ premade.
    As far as the matchmaker system, it needs to be more than just random. Either code some sense into it paying particular attention to priests and levels and/or end pregrouping altogether. I enjoy fighting against, as much as I do with, a few friends I have in game.