Remember Me

Discussion in 'Forum Help and Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-ZUES, Oct 18, 2012.


    Can we PLEASE get a "Remember Me" option on these forums? I seriously find it very inconvenient to log in every time I come to post here.
  2. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    i agreed.
    i am getting tired looking for papers with passwords i wrote it down, trying to hide them from visiting folks, and i often cant rememebr where i put them away.
    that why i havent come to eq2 forum in weeks.
  3. ARCHIVED-Britefire Guest

    It is one thing to have to relogin every so often, say once a week or something, for security.
    However, it is insane to have to login everytime you leave the forums for a few minutes and come back, seriously.
    Who's bright idea was it not to have a "remember me" or "keep me logged in" option anyway?
    It isn't more secure, it is less secure, having to consantly retype passwords is not good way to prevent keyloggers, staying logged in, is.