Reenable house visiting option?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Momo, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Momo Well-Known Member

    Dear all,

    I could totally understand at the start of Kaladim why the Devs disabled this feature. Severely restricted travelling is a main flavor of a TLE and shouldnt be bypassed by exploiting a game feature in such a way.
    But since DoF came out we have access to public porters from our home citys in Sinking Sands. Doesnt that render the reason for the disabling void? It is so sad for the decorator community, I have seen incredibly creative homes by pure luck and getting invited to visit - Dear Devs, couldn't you maybe think about reopening this for us, pretty, pretty please? I guess I am far from the only one who would just be absolutely grateful!

    Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  2. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    100% Yes
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Beneeto Member

    I can sort-of understand why being able to teleport to published houses from anywhere in the world is disabled, as easy fast travel wasn't what that feature was designed for and so you get the housing Hall of Fame's top houses all being empty places with portal bots set up in them. However, I don't understand why the "visit your house from /house wherever in your home city" was disabled. I don't see how saving myself 10 seconds from having to travel from Qeynos Harbor to South Qeynos to enter my house is anything game-breaking, nor is having to run to the door particularly immersive after the 50th time.

    I think a solution to both issues would be to re-enable the /house visiting feature for published houses, but only as long as you are in a city zone. So no warping to a portal bot house from out in the wilderness; you already have to be in civilization to do so. Therefore we can have the house ranking and easy access but without the "cheating" fast travel.
  4. Kahleem Active Member

    I get why they don't want to. It promotes the world feeling more "Empty" than intended, however I do REALLY miss the community feeling aspect in and of itself of having houses being decorated/used by people for porting. Sinking Sands is just a "poor man's" teleport hub.
    Rosyposy likes this.