Recipes and Epitaph help for my "How to cook a gnomish dev" house

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    Hello Roleplayers,
    I'm currently working on a house project on Test Server which is called "How to cook a gnomish dev" and is dedicated to traping, choping up, cooking an eating our beloved Gninja.
    My problem is that I have some books to write and english is not my native language so I thought you could help if you like the project. What I need is cooking recipes to know how to cook various devs (gnome, barbarian, dwarf, halfling, dark elf and forglocks) and tombstone epitaphs or poems/short texts dedicated to Gninja, Gnomes or cogs.
    If you like the idea, I posted the full project description in Homeshow here:

    Have fun!
  2. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest