recipe books Help needed

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-crafter48, May 2, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-crafter48 Guest

    Hi All
    I am finding it hard organising my recipe books to suit my Armourer. I am new just hitting lev 20 and find it difficult to get a view of all my recipes and sometimes even after selecting the recipe book and heavy armouring I get blank searches. I know its noobish but this is irritating as I am sure I am doing something incorrectly. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to organise this easier with the mass of info available I seem to recall reading about this somewhere but couldnt find it.
    Does anyone know where I can find a guide to levels and recipes by tiar so I dont miss out on making any of them.
    Just about to ping lev 20 as armourer
    Thanks again to all who help here makes the game fun
  2. ARCHIVED-Jrral Guest

    One suggestion for those blank searches: make sure in your filter you've hit the Clear button for sections you aren't filtering by. Sometimes you can get leftover selections that contradict each other (eg. selecting armor while a leftover selection says usable by a wizard).
    Also, make sure the text box at the top is blank and hit the Search button again. I've had leftover text there filtering for something contradictory (eg. the text box is searching for "expert" when I'm filtering for armor).