RE:krono inflation

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by steo, Sep 12, 2013.

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  1. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    No again not being a troll here, but you took one line from his post out of context and pulled out the EULA stating you cannot sell things ( I understand that you were referring to selling for real cash, but it doesn't change the fact that YOU took it out of context). So when taken in context of his whole post, which clearly was referring to selling commodities in game for in game currency, it appears that you were denying ones ability to sell things in the game including krono. Just admit you jumped the gun earlier when giant bold red letter posting the EULA. Because as it is right now you HAVE said you cannot sell krono in game even if that was not your intent.
    Griffon Lady likes this.
  2. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    I don't think that is evidence of outside profit. I think it's evidence of in game speculation. The fact that there is an outside market is proof of outside profit.

    And while I suppose it's possible there are those on each server who spend thousands of dollars to get masses of Krono so they can convert them to hundreds of thousands of plat, I don't see that as the most plausible explanation.

    People are jacking the price of Krono up several hundred percent by speculation. There is an RL market for plat. A connection is plausible.
  3. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    I am not complaining that Krono costs too much per se. I'm saying that the speculative market may be hurting the game in the same way that Chinese gold sellers hurt the game. And there is probably a connection.

    I am also arguing against my own short term interests.
  4. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    allow me to refute you.
    a) if I had the money to pay for a gold sub, I wouldn't be needing Kronos, I'd have a subscription.
    b) I can count on 1 hand the amount of fabled drops I've seen from the solo zones. and no, that's no sarcasm. in fact I've seen 2 ethereals, that went to myself and my cleric friend, and a fabled helmet, and I beleive I got a fabled pair of chain boots one time. probably just bad RNG luck on that front, but that's how it's been for me doing the solo instances.
    c) most masters above level 75, if they sell, sell for maybe 8-10p. maybe. anything below might as well mute it. no one buys the master spells at this point, they've researched all their masters they didn't get themselves already. again, maybe just my experience on that one.
    d) This might be the only option out of the four that seem like it would be viable to do for me. and frankly...that's going to get so boring so fast I'll probably be more inclined to just not play rather then try and do that zone everyday to the amount it'll take to buy a single krono.
  5. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Then you're clearly not the intended target audience for Krono,

    The target audience for buying Krono off the Broker, are people with lots of plat. The target audience is not people who are doing it tough IRL, and also only have a handful of plat to their characters name. It is not SOE's responsibility to spoon everyone enough plat to easily afford Krono. Nor is it SOE's responsibility to force enough suppliers to purchase Krono from the website, then sell it in game for a plat price you deem fit.

    If that means you are reduced to what you listed as option "D", being someone who is complaining that playing for free might take too much effort, thus threaten to not play because FTP-Silver isn't "good enough"... Good bye.
  6. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    Nobody ever argued that it was wrong to trade or sell Krono in game. I always argued that the out of game market was wrong. Therefore, it would make no sense for him to have been referring to the in game market.

    When I pointed out to him that I was arguing against the out of game market and never against the in game market, that was his chance to clear up any miscommunication that may have existed. He didn't. Instead he insisted that he was right and I was wrong.

    Then you suggested that I was being argumentative. Well, that may be, or it just may be that I'm the only person espousing a point of view against everyone else. Standing up for ones belief's is just being assertive, and that's a positive thing.
  7. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Grasping at straws has been taken to a whole new level..

    This post was made by Shadrac, referring directly to the in-game market

    My post about reselling Krono in-game for plat, followed that. I stated that in EQ2, it is an entirely legitimate practice than belongs in the game. Since then, Shadrac has been chasing his own tail, trying to convince himself that he did not completely fail at logical discussion.
    Malleria likes this.
  8. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    By the way, I don't think you're a troll. Trolls are insulting for sport or obstinate for pride.
  9. Detor Active Member

    Actually, there have to be that many Kronos getting bought from SOE - no trickery/scheming at all, by anybody, can get around the fact that the only way Kronos enter the game is directly from SOE. For every 1 person that uses a Krono there was somebody out there that bought it. With hundreds and hundreds being used that means hundreds and hundreds are being bought from SOE per month.
  10. Atan Well-Known Member

    You may feel this way, but there are regulars that sell 5-20 kronos a month. I have regulars that sell me kronos cause they know they can get instant gratification of my coin when they need it. Heck one of them bids plat on our guild SLR and frequently cashes in krono at the purchase.

    There are many players who don't mind dropping cash on krono for instant cash to plat transfers, and I can say many of these players are vets and know how to farm plat in this game, I think they just don't enjoy farming vs using their credit card.
  11. Shadrac Well-Known Member

  12. Wulwyrlyn Active Member

    Careful what you wish for. Yes the price of Kronos going up is annoying (I use krono and it personally annoys me to have to pay more), but having the economy artificially messed with is almost never a good choice. Really though, there isn't anything stopping people from playing as a silver account. You only have to unlock your spells once. Then use the cheap unlocker packs on your gear as needed. You don't have to be gold every single month. Just use krono in the month or two after an expansion comes out when you are replacing your gear a lot. Once things settle down let it go to silver and you can get a lot for very little $. The real problem right now is AOD cost is ridiculous for what it is lol.
  13. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    Kronos inflation s related to supply and demand, prices will fluctuate up and down. Not unusual for players with the higher priced Kronos to buy out the majority of those that are priced below what they want and resell them, same thing happens with items on the broker, far as AOD your prayers have been answered, they will offer the expansion and put each item on the marketplace, just don't expect then to be sold very low, after all the free blood race is on the marketplace for 2000 SC
  14. Wulwyrlyn Active Member

    Those ethereals would have paid for a few months of game time, probably, though. It's not like you are forced to use every upgrade that comes across. In those couple months odds are you would get another ethereal or so, then rinse repeat. I don't know what server you are on, but on crushbone people buy masters all the time, the ones I've thrown up sell pretty well unless I price them too high. Plus having cheap masters means that you have more plat left over to buy those krono if you are just getting your spells--it doesn't just work against you, lol.

    There are some clever easy ways to make lots of plat even as a solo player, even without fighting any mobs honestly. There's also some .. areas/zones that can be done with 2-3 people + mercs (and no, I'm not talking about rujark, sksyshrine, or sleepers!) that almost always drop high level 92-95 tradable fabled items that sell for 200pp+. Finding good areas is up to you, it's not WoW where all the info is going to be handed to you. Explore and find your niche for making money

    Also, just a random one, some of the advanced solo zone shinies sell for a ton. Because almost everyone runs the same 2 (or 3) advanced solo zones over and over and ignores the rest. Some shines sell for 100pp+. Find out which zones those are on your server, I guarantee there is at least one.

    If worse comes to worse and you simply can't figure anything out for earning plat and you desperately need some...try doing the extremely obvious and sell powerleveling on the weekends. At least on crushbone there's almost always someone wanting a PL and offering 100pp or more per hour, assuming you are good at leveling them. Get a couple of those people together into one group (since grouping doesn't slow xp any longer) and bam, Krono. Might make some friends in the process, too.
  15. Wulwyrlyn Active Member

    Yep and as I was saying, there's nothing wrong with this. It's better to have the stuff fluctuate naturally than to have artifical restrictions on things. The thing is though you can always buy Krono directly from folks and bypass the broker, as well. There is a large value in having a big influx of platinum *now* and not at some unknown point in the future. That guy with the stuff up on the broker for a really high price may or may not sell his Krono for his high asking price, and if they do sell, they might be up there for a long time. Nothing wrong w/that. Bypass the broker and sell in chat for a lower price and you can get a lot of plat instantly, so a lot of people do that.
  16. Magic Missiles Active Member

    Just be glad that PR is gone or the price might be doubled again.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  17. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Funny thread :)
    So many misinformed people on both sides...
  18. Just Some Guy New Member

    Getting back to Steo's original point:

    SOE doesn't have to "implement a plat-for-membership" policy. In fact, there's no way of anyone (except SOE itself) knowing if they already have something akin to this in place. You see, SOE can make any toon of any name with any gear at any level on any server with any number of kronos and any amount of plat it likes. It's pretty amusing to me that the novice economists that post in the forums with some regularity conveniently left that little tidbit out of their collective analyses.

    If SOE wants you to buy "some game code (NOT A COE expansion code)..." or whatever else, it could very reasonably offer someone a part time job sitting on commonlands docks and feed plat from its bottomless stockpiles into the market--merely by negotiating prices with people who are willing to run out to the store and buy their products. In fact, there are "players" that do this...on AB we see Baylebank all the time. Perhaps he is just a Chinese account seller trying to upgrade his accounts so that he can dump loot to them and sell to blackmarket buyers--you know, "WTS 95/320 raid-geared swashie, only $350." We don't know who or what he is though, get it?

    At some point, you will all understand that he who makes the games makes the rules. ALL of them. Not "some of them except for the real world economy truths." ALL of the rules. I know if it were my game I'd be laughing all the way to the bank while you all sit here debating "truths" that are only as true as I made them.

    Lovin' ya all, truly.
    Kraeref likes this.
  19. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    Like what?
  20. Shadrac Well-Known Member

    SOE wants to maximize profits.

    Edit: I didn't read where anyone disputed the market isn't owned and the strings pulled by SOE. That's a given.
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