Ranger Epic 2.0 Update

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Maylyne, May 20, 2019.

  1. Maylyne Member

    Me and a couple of my guildies have tried to kill the Mist reaver in the Lost City of Torsis: The Shrounded Temple (Event Heroic) and we are completely stuck. We are trying to figure out the strat. We wait for him to change color, then click on the corresponding pylon, in hopes he takes damage, and he wont. We have also waited for him to change colors and click on all the other pylons, and still, he wont take damage. On top of that, he is hitting us like a freight train, and is almost two shooting us. We are lost for ideas, and tried to kill him for over an hour. Any suggestions? We would like to get this update for our 2.0. Thanks in advance!!!
    Soara2 likes this.
  2. Soara2 Well-Known Member

    Have to get his power below 75 percent asap. Also have to click the corresponding pilons
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Maylyne Member

    Will that allow us to fight him then without getting wrecked? I can make sure we are both running mental breach
    Soara2 likes this.
  4. Soara2 Well-Known Member

    Yes. He can't take damage if he is above 75 percent power
    Breanna likes this.
  5. Tupperbeast Active Member

    Use a mage Dispell or use Etheralist Ascension Spell
    1-2 help, good luck.
    At Start you can drain mana and burn the Slacker or run in circle via the Colors.

    Soara2 and Breanna like this.
  6. Maylyne Member

    Alright, one more question. When he turns purple, which pylon is that one? The blue is arcane, yellow looking one is physical, brown and orange looking one is elemental, and green is noxious. None are purple.
    Soara2 likes this.
  7. Soara2 Well-Known Member

    Interesting. I have not seen him turn purple. Will look again this weekend. I did this mob when ka first came out with a friend
    Breanna likes this.
  8. Soara2 Well-Known Member

    Bah. I forgot this is weekend for graduation parties. Will have to be next weekend so my son can help me.
    Breanna likes this.
  9. Maylyne Member

    It is alright, no worries. We are going to head back in tonight and see what happens. Thanks for all your help!
    Soara2 likes this.
  10. Soara2 Well-Known Member

    Did you get it?
    Argosunited likes this.
  11. Maylyne Member

    Yes! We finally did! Thank you so much for all your help!! We realized that purple means he is overloading himself so it was a good sign!
    Argosunited, Soara2 and Dude like this.
  12. Soara2 Well-Known Member