Random bag of status items

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Golconde, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Golconde New Member

    • Golconde
    • July 15, 2018 02:11
    • Hello, I recently started to buy these bags thinking that the odds were much much more realistic....It seems that its not random at all...maybe to a degree but 99.9% for all the signets etc...and .1% for everything cept the mount which is prob .000001%....that is not random and I believe it was done on purpose to bait people into gambling all their money away for simple house items...…
    • .. I won 1 statue after about 25plat worth of bags.....then 400plat later and all i have is a bank filled with those other unwanted items.....This could be a bad luck thing eh.....then why when I spoke with %$%#% ..(another 1 time winner) did he tell me the exact same thing happened to him......How could you do this with people over silly little house items....I dumped so much money after winning the first statue that it is just down right theft.....What is it...someone wins then is locked from winning again? its something shady...its obvious..
    • I don't have a problem with playing the random game....but you know this isn't random...it sounds like it has a fix chance for some and randomly rolls each with invidiual % chance of winning..
    • Please let us know of the odds and admit that calling this random is not very truthfull but very misleading
    a resonse from Daybreak a person said "
    I can't say for sure, but it looks like you have a 1:24 chance of getting what you want each time you open a bag. Keep in mind there is no cumulative random, it's each time you open the bag. You CAN always go and buy them directly from the City merchant for coin and status."

    Tested with 6,000,000 status and 200 plat and got nothing but crap
    Maybe this is a Fallen Gate thing where we don't have billions of plat and that game is set for high stantdards>
    Yeah you could buy them from city merchant....unfortanly the one I want isn't for sale :-(
    Thanks for keep eq2 going :)
  2. Anaogi Well-Known Member

    Nah, it's pretty much always been like that. I wonder if anybody even bothers with them any more. (Though the signets at least used to be useful...)