Raging Strike

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Gathen, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gathen Guest

    This skill is acting quite strangely since they fixed it without telling us. It now seems to generate massive aggro, act as a activatible berserk, and a direct damage style.

    I normally group with a guardian tank about 6 levels above me and was recently having problems pulling the aggro right off of him. There was nothing he could do about it. I later asked a berserker friend that is a few levels above the guardian and does not pull aggro from him what he used for his styles. Raging Strike is the only difference, so I think it is acting as a massive AE taunt. I will experiment with this, but I do know that by using styles alone (no buffs or taunts) I can hold the aggro of 5 seperate encounters.