Question on Warrior tree AAs

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Laereneth, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Laereneth Guest

    Greeting, I’m recently back from an extended time away and am trying to get the hang of the game again, and all the changes that have happened over the years. I have a question on a couple of the AAs on the Warrior talent tree and was hoping any currently active Guardian might be able to assist in some explanation or direction.

    After reading the forums and looking at some of the posted builds, I noticed that almost none of the builds include the Dragoon’s Avoidance on the AGI line, the Gladiator’s Revenge on the STA line, and only a token two points in Parry in the INT line. Are these defensive AAs that underwhelming?

    I’m trying to piece together a respectable spec for just grouping with RL friends in all group content but not including raiding.

    I thank you in advance for your time and feedback!