Quest Journal

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by ARCHIVED-Rothgar, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Vodroc Guest

    Simple request however a very usefull one. I hate having to keep my journal open to see updates for group mates quests when I am going back and helping them on one I have already completed.
    Could you make it so when you select a group members quest, there quest info shows in the quest window so I can close my journal?
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    CoLD MeTaL wrote:
    Yes in general, allow any quest to be deleted.
    On that general notion remove the no-destroy tag. I have crap I can't get rid of that is really ticking me off.
  3. ARCHIVED-Achala Guest

    1. Sorting on multiple fields -- for example, the ability to sort by zone and within each zone have quests sorted by level, or name, or whatever
    2. If you have a ZONE NAME highlighted, allow the SHARE button to automatically share any and all shareable quests that start within that zone, including both active AND completed quests. It would be best if this could be done without causing a lot of spam in the chat window (which happens today when people start going down their list of quests sharing everything).
    3. A way to review recent quest updates and what quest was updated (sometimes I've been out in the field and killed or clicked on something, and received a quest update but didn't quite catch which quest was updated.) This information doesn't need to be preserved between game sessions, so it could easily just be cached on the client side for display.
    4. If you track quest updates in 3, capture the quest text (that appears in the popup), quest name (which the quest tracker briefly changes to), and the /loc the quest update occurred at - and allow us to export the information to make it easier to capture that information in a CSV or similar format that we can use to populate POI databases or Wikis later.
    5. A way to filter the collections page based on freeform text. For example, if I type "scorpion" I should see "Shining Scorpion Collection" and "Spotted Scorpion Collection" and so on, but nothing else.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gipper Guest

    Yes! Please make it go to next quest in my list when I finish one. Mine is stuck on making bronze magmatic armor right now. Annoying when doing a round of writs. Also, the collection page coming up whenever I add something and want to see quest page, I don't like that.
  5. ARCHIVED-Achala Guest

    Vodroc wrote:
    I want to be able to use the quest tracker to track other group members' quests as well.
  6. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Firstly I envison the quest journal to be a culmination of achievements, abilities and a to-do list.
    1. Filter by quest type (Epic, Heroic, Solo). If you know you want to solo for your play that day, the sbility to hide everything else would be nice. Persistent option which stays until the selection changes or is cleared.
    2. HIDE [TYPE]. This especially comes into play for Collections. I would love to hide all the completed ones and look at whats left. Make this a persistent option which stays until the selection is changed or cleared.
    3. New TAB: Druid Rings: track which bushes have been harvested. I understand for game reasons you dont want to list them all initially but at least displaying which have been completed would be a really nice feature.
    4. New Tab: Languages: show all the languages here. I know its included in another window but having it here would be nice.
    5. New Tab: Named Kills: This could be sorted and filtered by zone, alphabetical etc) for the named kills for which you have received credit. Killing grey named doesnt provide you credit for the kill (at least thats how I understand it). It would be interesting if this list tracked discovered named (you have intereacted with them and either tried to kill them or killed them). A non-success kill would list the named, zone, level, etc but leave it as non-credited. A successful kill would add the information with the credited flag denoted.
    6. New Tab: Abilities (port over the abilities from the knowledge area)
    7. New Tab: Spells (port over the spells from the knowledg area). This could be sorted by spell level and should list the tier of the spell acquired. Be really nice for those who are trying to completely master their toons.
    8. New Feature: Notes - allow us to enter our own notes for the journal associated to a particular quest. Honestly I dont care if this was a stored XML file on the local machine or hosted within the game database but that would be a really great feature IMO. Especially if those files could be shared with guildies.
  7. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    I'd like to see, when sorting by zone, that the zone you are currently in defaults to the top of the list in the group quests tab. Also, for the shared quests at the top, could it display both how many people have the quest (in the tree) but which group members are on which stage (in the description) up to your current stage?
    Taking the recent Ratical quest as an example, Rothgar's journal might look like this:
    Ratical! (quest description I'm too lazy to look up)
    • I need to kill 10 small rats. (Domino, Autenil)
    • I need to kill 10 medium-sized rats (Fyreflight, Kiara)
    • I need to kill 10 large rats (Rothgar)
    • (Aeralik)
    That last one, of course, shows that Aeralik is on a step after Rothgar's - since Rothgar isn't on that stage, he can't see what it is Aeralik has to do.
  8. ARCHIVED-Vodroc Guest

    Achala wrote:
    I'm seconding #2, many times do I have to go nuts sharing quests when helping people out, RoK made this most aparent.
  9. ARCHIVED-Tibis_Heartseeker Guest

    acable wrote:
    This would be a great addition to the overall quest UI; the lack of this is my only real gripe with the quest journal as it is.
  10. ARCHIVED-Vodroc Guest

    Rothgar any chance as you work on this that you could do "Mockup shots" se we can see how your design thoughts go and it would help us with idea's etc.
    You are currently working on the heart of the game (it is called everQUEST afterall) and this is a great undertaking, Besides it could be good for "better communication for the community" and just plain ol fun for a lot of us that would like to see the process that you guys go through.
    Course mockups could cause massive flames but is there any post that couldn't cause flames?
  11. ARCHIVED-GreenArmadillo Guest

    Is or could there be a way to convince the quest tracker NOT to focus on new quests when you pick them up? It can be irritating to pick up a quest just so you won't have to come back to the NPC later, and then have to go back into the journal to fish out the quest you were actually working on.
    I would also appreciate if there was a second tracker slot specifically for the most recent quest to update. Often times I will inadvertantly advance a quest (for example, while exploring, or after encountering a mob. I wouldn't necessarily want these to swap out the quest I was currently tracking, but it would be nice to be able to tell what quest updated (currently it flashes by very quickly) and what I need to do next.
  12. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Vodroc wrote:
    This one hasn't. Actually, most things Rothgar posts don't. Could be because he's straightforward and there's no pretense or fudging when he does...
  13. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Vodroc wrote:
    First off, I think you guys are giving some great feedback. Some of the ideas would be pretty easy to implement and others would take much more work. What I would try to do is grab the low hanging fruit first and then see what else I can work in.
    I'd like to post some mockups, but currently my revamped UI has bits and pieces of a new feature in it that I can't quite talk about right now (I wish I could). As soon as I get the go ahead to begin talking about the addition that spurred these changes on, I'll try to posts some shots.
  14. ARCHIVED-scottd34 Guest

    I like the multiple quest view, and the quests with the same mobs opiton.

    Also, something I have wanted to see for a while is a way to sort collections by zone via the dropdown like quests are today.
  15. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    The one big thing I'd like to see is to be able to go back and see previous steps.
    Basically, in your active journal (or in your completed window) you'd be able to "uncheck" a box to expand it back out to see what you had to do in the past. Make the checkbox be grayed or something to show that it's already been done, and be able to toggle between the "unchecked" text and the "checked" text (ie when a sub-step is complete but other sub steps aren't so it doesn't collapse like the quest window currently does once a top-level step's substeps are complete).

    I imagine that would involve a pretty big code change, but I think the information is there (there's an option that when you complete a quest it outputs to chat the final hierarchy of the quest).

    Alternatively, a "notes" tab on the quest journal that stored notes is an oft-requested feature, it would make it more of a quest "journal" then ;)
  16. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    There is a little bug such that if you complete a quest and then have only one quest left in your journal (I believe thats accurate) then it doesnt auto display it in the quest helper window, it looks as though you have no quests till you go into the journal.
    This mainly is seen when on a new character, but must be confusing as hell for new players.
  17. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Lord_Ebon wrote:
    QFE. Something like this would be awesome.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mythal_EQ2 Guest

    Not so much the Quest Journal (I think), but I would like to be able to select which quests to turn in, if -- for example -- I have multiple quests completed from the same quest giver.
    This is most notably felt with Collections, but other quests have that issue as well. Just let us get a confirmation before each quest moves on to the completed stage please.
  19. ARCHIVED-Vodroc Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Okay everyone, who has wild speculation of this "new feature" I wonder if it's going to have a click the persons name and make a waypoint like they had in vanguard ooooooohhhh.
  20. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    OH I thought of something else! Being able to see the rewards from quests that have been completed. So many times, I get someone asking where I got some item, and I say "Some quest in Moors" because I can't remember the name! Then I have to go through old completed quests and check their EQ2i (or other reference web site) to figure out what the reward is. Plus it makes it easier when leveling alts to find quests with rewards that you would use, so you know which zones to go to.