Purple Adornments - New 8th slot

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Calamoor, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Crychtonn Active Member

    Caith why does the Power Sigil set bonus give 40 Pot and not 20 CB and 20 Pot. The latter fits in better with how those adornments are set up. A straight 40% Pot is something I'd expect on the Potency adornment set.
    Karsa, Mermut and Laiina like this.
  2. Twisty Well-Known Member

    Just so you're aware there is a dissenting opinion to yours out there... I absolutely LOVE the fact that EQ2 offers so many bad choices in just about every aspect of the game. The choice to hammer your genitals to the windowsill is so sorely missing in just about all games out there today that "playing intelligently" carries next to no meaning. If anything, EQ2 is guilty of following the herd and slowly sliding into that same cesspool overtime. Prime example: all gear patterns that carry reforge-equivalent pieces; the "choice" is an illusion and THAT'S the real problem with games these days. EQ2 is still better than the field by a mile and I dare say the single biggest reason I've still stuck around.

    On a functional note, having semi-veiled but mathematically-bad choices available is necessary in order to spot window-lickers around you.
    Jeeshman, Karsa, Koko and 1 other person like this.
  3. Koko Well-Known Member

    Ordinarily I'd be with you.

    I consider the EQII community (both players and staff) far too casual consider competition seriously. For example, if DPS classes were "balanced", I'd expect their damage potentials to be "close (+-1~2%)". However, uplifting voice alone influences mage damage potential by more than this range... therefore the classes are either balanced around this item, or they are casually balanced based on player response. EQII isn't a competitive game, or it currently isn't designed to be.

    As a social game, and one where I frequently assist the average player... any enjoyment I derive from solving the complex system is overshadowed by my frustration resultant from players falling into itemization traps. I love competitive games, I'm a competitive person, and I wish EQII was the type of game where competition could be taken seriously. Unfortunately, at the moment it simply isn't... and that is the root of most AoM itemization complaints.
    Kryvak likes this.
  4. Atan Well-Known Member

    There is a difference between choices and pitfalls.

    I agree, you guys should work on adding _choices_.

    When one decision point is defacto better in every single instance, the other decision point is a trap and not a choice. To have a choice, there would need to be a reason to ever open door #2.
    Luciuz, Feldon, Kraeref and 2 others like this.
  5. Widem Active Member

    The stats of the 8th rune slot has nothing to do with if you would go full 8/8. Set bonuses are independent variables to the stats to any one rune. In this case, one would never go full accuracy line b/c lolz, but would still use the rune cuz good.

    And in so as the problem with the builds is they are obviously not equitable. If the community want rune builds which are purposely not balances to expose "window lickers" well then that fine, but know full well that there will only be 1 best build, which like before isn't really an option.
    Clevemo likes this.
  6. Arieste Well-Known Member

    I've looked at the entire set list and I still have no idea what you're talking about. Because the way I see it is:

    If you're a class that currently favours cb/pot, you automatically get a major upgrade from the set without having to give anything up.

    If you're a class that favours SDA, you have to give up something just in order to get the exact same benefit as the person above - who gave up nothing.

    "Choice" existed when you chose between 6 sda vs. 11cb/pot. If it's a choice between 6 sda and an absolutely massive amount of bonuses from the 8-piece, it's not at all a viable choice.
    Clevemo and Koko like this.
  7. Koko Well-Known Member

    I think Caith assumes that players will use the rune to hit 8/8 exclusively, and that it cannot be used by itself.

    i.e. Caith is considering
    6x Power + 1x SDA + 5x War Runes vs. (7+1)x Power + 4x War Runes
    where you (Widem and many others) are considering
    6x Power + 1x SDA + 5x War Runes vs. (6+1)x Power + 1x SDA + 4x War Runes
    and there is an obvious disconnect.
    Kraeref and Karsa like this.
  8. Oakenn_TZ Member

    Is there a 8th gem for every set? The Marring one has me a bit confused as to who it was intended for. It is part of the rune set mostly reserved for tanks while having a doublecast stat and effecting CAs. I recognize that some classes have spells AND CAs but it seems like a very narrow window of people will actually gain the full benefit of this rune. Or were they created as generic catch alls for any CA/spell focused classes.
  9. Regolas Well-Known Member

    So can you potentially have multiples of these 8th rune on cloak/belt/weapons to make up for the fact that most people don't want to give up their shoulder slot?

    So 6/8 as one rune type, keep shoulder rune as doublecast/flurry/block, and then two of these runes instead of war runes = 8/8

  10. Crychtonn Active Member

    Regolas the one adornment I posted the stats for is the only one discovered so far. It will only go on cloaks. I'd guess the other ones will be restricted to cloaks also. To prevent people from being able to use multiple ones.
  11. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    After my guild discovering the first Exceptional Jewels and looking at the 8th piece bonus on all the sets for the Purple Adorns, the stats on these items seem to be not allocated correctly.

    First of all, on the Exceptional Jewel: Marring is meant for the Sigil of Accuracy 8 piece set which has Strikethrough/Accuracy on it. I’d like to say first of all that Strikethrough/Accuracy is not something a vast majority of players would wear, and if they do wear, they only wear up to 3 pieces if any. Thus negating any 8 piece bonus they could get because having too much strikethrough/accuracy is not something people would wear because it becomes redundant after 30%. IF the 8 piece bonus was something attractive to Fighters (only players who would wear Strikethrough/Accuracy runes) then they could potentially pick more pieces of this up to get an 8 piece bonus very desirable to them, but this is not the case with 30 potency and crit bonus, and 250 Weapon Skills.

    Seeing as strikethrough/accuracy would be something a tank would favor, the stats on said Jewel: Marring contradicts the stats a tank would normally wear. 5% SDA and CADA with 35% potency? Only crusaders would benefit from the 5% SDA, but they would likely wear anything to increase their survivability more.
    Second, after looking at the other Sigils (8 piece bonus sets), they look to be misallocated as well. For instance the Sigil of Defiance (tanking set purple adorns) has stats that increase survivability all around for tanks, but when you look at the 8 piece bonus, it has 35 DPS, 40% potency, 35 casting speed AND 250 casting skills? Why would it have casting skills first of all? It has the stat allocation of something a Mage would wear but it’s on the Tanking set? Why wouldn’t it have tanking stats for the 8 piece bonus instead?

    Third, the Sigil of Power requires all Power Purple adorns which have 6 CB and 6 Potency on them, stats both Scouts/Healers/Mages would wear, yet the 8 piece bonus is directed specifically to Mages with the same stats as the Sigil of Defiance: Potency, Casting Speed, DPS and Casting Skills. What about the CB that the Power runes naturally have? Or the Weapon Skills a Healer or Scout would use?

    Fourth, the Flurry and Spell Double Attack runes have been staples for dps classes since they’ve been implemented. When you look at the Sigil of Damage, which both SDA and Flurry runes are a part of, the 3rd and 6th set bonus both include .5% SDA and Flurry, but the 8th piece bonus has stats that ONLY scouts would use, neglecting casters whatsoever. 40 Crit Bonus, 9% flurry, 2275 Ability Mod and Weapon Skills. Where is the Spell Double Attack or Casting Skills?

    Lastly, the Sigil of Conservation and Sigil of Critical Power (Crit Bonus) both share the exact same 8 piece bonus, being 30 potency, 30 crit bonus and 250 weapon skills. Why do these Sigils get both Potency and Crit Bonus on their sets, specifically the Sigil of Critical Power, while the Sigil of Power and Sigil of Potency only get Potency on their 8th set bonus? There seems to be a lack of consistency in these items when you look at the stats they originally gave you BEFORE the 8 piece bonus and what we’re getting now on those 8 piece bonuses.

    Now, I know what you will probably say, players have the choice to choose whatever they want in their slots, but it’s not really a choice when you allocate the wrong stats to the items that players are using for the specific stats they’re looking for. Tanking sigil with tanking stats, Crit Bonus sigil with crit bonus stats, potency sigil with potency stats and power sigil with potency/crit bonus stats.

    Back in Vanilla WoW the game had 8 piece set bonuses, and it was a choice back then for players to go for them or not, but those set bonuses actually made sense to the classes that wore them, giving the players an actual choice in their gear selection. Doesn’t seem like the correct selection here with the current choices you’re giving us.
    Clevemo, Karsa, Mills and 3 others like this.
  12. Crychtonn Active Member

    I saw that another of these 8th slot adornments was discovered and can only concluded they are broken. The new one has the same stats as the first one and also says it's for the Sigil of Accuracy set ??!!?!!?
  13. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    The majority of people will not find what Caith is talking about while the items remain relevant.
    Ambi likes this.
  14. Kander Developer

    These items are actually suffering from a display bug. There are 4 different set bonuses for each gem. We will post some pics of how they are supposed to look and of course get them fixed ASAP.

    This was a new deal we were trying, and as it seems to happen frequently with our game, when it get live, it worked differently.

    Apologies. We'll get them fixed.
    Luciuz likes this.
  15. Ebofu Active Member

    If we only had a server that was allocated for testing things before they went live.
    Feldon, Ajjantis, Eles and 3 others like this.
  16. Raeven Well-Known Member

    Can you still get the sigil bonus of 7 purple runes, or do you now HAVE to have 8 for the sigil? Which would mean only those who can get a piece of gear with a double purple slot could achieve the sigil?
  17. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    If i could i would like this post 10 thousand times. For mages there is no choice

    To devs: add 6% dc to an 8 slot then along with magic and other skills.
  18. Caith Developer

    You obviously haven't looked at the item that grants the 8th set bonus.

    Check this post for more details.
  19. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Post them here so I can look.

    EDIT what I was talking about actually the 8th bonus description where it says so much and so much casting speed, magic and weapon skills added. If you put also 6% of dc as a bonus there i can then get rid of 1 sigil of dc i got on shoulders. In OP post with regards to sigil of power.
  20. Arieste Well-Known Member

    You mean that it adds 5sda? So others give up nothing and get 5 SDA, we give up 6 sda and get 5sda. Or what exactly do you mean?

    Look - the problem is not actually with the new purple rune. The purple rune is fine as is the 8 piece set bonus itself.

    The problem was that the original spellcaster adornment set (if you can call it that, considering only 1 out of the 7 adornments in the set is fitting for a caster) has ALWAYS been terrible. The reason that there wasn't a huge amount of feedback or outcry on the subject was because it never mattered. People jsut took the shoulder piece from that set and used it with the power set and it was a fine workaround. It's our fault that we didn't provide feedback when AoM launched that his set was terrible. But we figured that since there was no real set bonus, it wasn't really meant to be used as a set.

    Now that you've made using 7 pieces of the same set pretty much mandatory (or rather that anyone that passes up the set bonus is a moron), the original terribleness of the spellcaster set comes back to haunt us.
    Kraeref likes this.