Producer's Letter: Darkness Dawns on July 30 [UPDATE - Launch Date July 23]

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Ucala01 Member

    personally I wouldn't mind a bauble like they do on Test/Beta servers that you can just go to max level, if/when you get x amount of max levels, but eh :p it seems to game breaking for the people that seem to like the old stuff even know no one runs it and you will most likely just be doing it alone and/or with RL family people.
    but that's not to say that going to max level doesn't take any longer than a few days anyway
  2. Cheribomb Well-Known Member

    This is the typical response which I was expecting. No need for others to have enjoyable game play experiences and take advantage of the time they've already put into their max leveled crafters. You might have missed my point where my crafters are already maxed and I'd like to explore new lower level zones to level my newly adjusted adventure class if implemented. We already have the option to reset our crafting class, albeit to level 10, and the option to betray to a similar class so why not the same option to reset our adventure class to something new?
    Ridolain likes this.
  3. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I remember hearing about the idea when SJ first brought it up. He was just throwing it out there, not necessarily as a serious proposition and the community gave their response, a resounding no, with many reasons why it shouldn't happen. It does cheapen the experience and it's worse than PLing. If this were EQ1, it would be a different story. There are way too many levels and AAs to gain in that game.
  4. Ucala01 Member

    figured, as I can see many pros/cons for both having it and for not having it. but as the years go by and more people leave, I can see the reasons not to have it get smaller and smaller :p
    also with what the other person said, instead of that option an option just to maybe "reset" to level 10, or even to level 1 and repick any class instead of having to reroll. there are a few downfalls to this as well, but eh :p
  5. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    So, you've settled on what you really want? It's a bit confusing when you bring up other things like auto-level tokens.

    I've already said my piece on new low level zones. There isn't much more to say, aside from the fact that it's not worth wasting dev time. They've done enough with the new player experience already. We have our new "starter isles" in Darklight and Frostfang Sea. The starter isle doesn't even mean anything to newer players. It's an old piece of nostalgia people have some strange attachment to. Personally, I found that more boring, as it was basically the same thing whether you were good or evil.
  6. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I think we used to be able to choose different classes. Everyone was a commoner until level 10 or something like that. Things changed somewhere down the road. My guess is AA trees had something to do with it. Tradeskills were unaffected by that. They still remain that way. I don't know why we would have to explore going back to an older system when the current one works just fine. It's easy enough to reroll and level up again. The real challenge comes in the later levels anyway.
  7. Cheribomb Well-Known Member

    I was responding to your post about the reason for the adventure class reset. And yes, I also want an auto level token. If you already have a level 90+ alt they should allow you a token for a level 80+ alt, similar to what they are doing with the tokens for 280 AA points per xx number of characters on purchasing a game update. If they don't want to do that then work on new lower level zones and adventure class resets so players like me can take advantage of their already taken character slots to run around with new players with and enjoy something new to do.
  8. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    You've said lower level zones are empty. New zones will not help with this problem.
  9. Cheribomb Well-Known Member

    Nope, new lower level zones won't appeal to veterans or new players looking for guildies to help them conquer.
  10. Ucala01 Member

    well yes tech we started as a commoner until level 1 actually, and than you were a fighter/mage/scout/priest until level 10, and than you were classes like Brawler or Warrior or something like that until level 20 where you than picked your final class.
    but that wouldn't be what I meant. much like tradeskill you could just reset back to 10, or 1 or whatever and pick say a Dirge. there shouldn't be any conflict with AAs. a similar issue used to happen back when they removed the alignment status on many classes. for a few days where Any class could betray to an Inq in North Qeynos. the idea would be a similar effect
  11. Lacksmelanin Member

    For nostalgic reasons I'd love to see the isle of refuge brought back in whatever form you would, whether it be solo, heroic, raid, or actual starter area. (Or prestige house)

    And put my +1 on on a new Stormhold when you next update a dungeon. But leave the old one as it is please.
    Anaemickhanh and Kalderon like this.
  12. Venomizer Member

    Holly can you reveal any more about intended direction of gu67 crafting? or better yet any details?

    i would like to know if there is a reason to save the blue tokens or spend them while gu66 content is current.

    "new goodies" to me sounds like new recipes, which could either mean gu66 mats or skyshrine mats, although "adv researcher" sounds like Yelnar to me.

    What i dont want is to craft a bunch of gear that is then obsolete due to experimenting revamp or refining revamp or what not.

    I can understand wanting to keep lid on unfinished content, but i would also like some clues about how best to prepare for it.

    What i am expecting is yelnar recipes that require significantly more than 6 mats per combine but make new best in slot for a few pieces. or else research pipeline upgrades to production pipeline after all recipes completed. that could be "new goodies" too.
    Ridolain likes this.
  13. Alenna Well-Known Member

    to me it means that those zones won't be a waste anymore people at end game will be able to enjoy them.
    Feldon likes this.
  14. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    clues should be on test in a couple weeks.
  15. Axzsif Member

    So for number three, I PRAY that these are actually difficult and that the loot from this is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the loot from anywhere else. Avatars shouldn't be easy, nor should their loot be comparable to anything else. Please make sure that those of us who raid have something to look forward to instead of nerf batting everything for casual players.

    Secondly, number 4 is one of the worst ideas I have heard in a long time from the dev team. The raiding community dropped drastically after the last set of avatars was taking out of game because raiders want the thrill of contesting the mobs. The fact of pulling them and making sure no other guild can have them is part of the appeal to being in a higher level raiding guild. By doing this Arena I am basically reading that once again the pressure from casual players has won the day and the devs no longer care about the raiders, Which is ironic because for most raid content it is those same players that are testing it to make sure it is all working right in the first place. Let the hard core raiders keep their stuff for once. Furthermore, loot worth getting from these should not be anywhere near comparable to the actual avatar loot if this does go live. I honestly wish I didn't feel like I was getting kicked in the nuts, but I do.

    Lastly to comment on this because I know whats about to be said; "well we pay for the game too and we should be allowed to see all the content". The answer is no; trivializing the content for everyone to be able to simply do it, ruins the game for those of us who are simple paying for the upper end of content and not the casual stuff or the station cash stuff. We pay for the raiding content, some of us don't even use the decorating, or the station cash out fits, or the LoN stuff. So we pay to have our raid stuff like you pay to have more group content, or housing decorations or so on. So yes let us have our few things at the upper end of content PLEASE. I want to look forward to contesting, I want to look forward to being able to do something not many can, not get frustrated at logging in because everything gets hit with the nerf bat so everyone can do it.
  16. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Oh well, i find the avatar arena pretty nice. Oh, we do contested, not on a daily basis. But i´m still on the point, where i don´t bother if someone right beside me got the same i got, way faster or more easy.
    oh well, maybe i´m one of the last, that puts fun in front of loot.... i can have a hell of fun doing stuff none can do, but the one who can´t do can do something to get a gear close the one with the harder fight.... i don´t bother, why should we? It´s a game and i think the changes can bring some casual players. Which do pay too ^^
    A server with dedicated playerbase.... hardly can be run in terms of profit ^^
    I´m looking forward to the changes, well.... the DoV zone revamp.... don´t know why... but, well if someone gets pleased ;) i´m fine ^^
  17. Axzsif Member

    You did nothing more than prove every point. But your right lets let them have everything, screw it put all the end game loot on station cash so everyone can just buy their gear! Then lets make raids super easy and this a happy go lucky fun and fair town.
  18. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    I did made a misstake, where i said, everything should be easy to get.... all i said is.... "If there are two ways to obtain one thing, there allways be people to choose the easy way.... but none can force to do the same"
    Is it all about loot? The gear, not the lore or story?
    I start thinking, i might be in the wrong place ^^
    After all, nothing is hard, you just need to find the way :)
  19. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about? There are crafting quests in every tier.

    I don't get the idolizing of Domino. She's the one that made things so ridiculously easy, but she wasn't involved in splitting off the tradeskill AAs and giving us prestige points, finally making tradeskills a separate playstyle.
  20. knightritalin Active Member

    This rocks,can't wait!!!!